
News for August 31st 2015

by Patricia Petit Liang

A new pilot project will make sex education mandatory for all students from kindergarten to grade 11 in the province of Quebec.

According to CBC News, Quebec’s Ministry of Education is going to implement sex education classes in 15 schools for the next two years.

Monday August 31st 2015

Listen Now

Hosted by Catlin Spencer

Stories by Patricia Petit Liang, Catlin Spencer & Saturn de Los Angeles

Produced by Catlin Spencer

August 28th, 2015

Hosted by: Julian McKenzie

Stories by: Patricia Petit-Liang, Catlin Spencer, Emeline Vidal

Produced by: Emeline Vidal

News for August 28th, 2015

An outbreak of Legionnaires disease has killed two people and is the focus of a new investigation headed by Quebec’s Health Department.

According to the Montreal Gazette, more than 16 people have contracted the disease by inhaling small droplets of contaminated water.

News for August 26th 2015

by Saturn de Los Angeles


Montrealers can finally see the next generation of metro cars during their commute. 

Wednesday August 26th 2015

Listen Now

Hosted by Catlin Spencer

Stories by Saturn de Los Angeles, Patricia Petit Liang & Catlin Spencer

Produced by Catlin Spencer

News for August 24th 2015

by Saturn de Los Angeles

A movement to help bring cancer awareness is about to become stronger. 

Monday August 24th 2015

Listen Now

Hosted by Danny Aubry

Stories by Saturn de Los Angeles, Catlin Spencer & Patricia Petit Liang

Produced by Catlin Spencer

News for August 21th. 2015

A powerful painkiller called fentanyl is being mixed with street drugs like heroin.

According to CTV News, officials warn that the number of deadly overdoses is soaring in Canada, with seven people dead in Montreal from fentanyl-related causes.

Fentanyl is up to 100 times stonger than morphine and 40 times stronger than heroin.

An antidote for fentanyl exists, called Naloxone, and can reverse the drug’s effects and is currently available in easy-to-use kits.


August 21th 2015

Hosted by: Julian Mckenzie

Stories by: Patricia Petit-Liang, Emeline Vidal, Catlin Spencer

Produced by: Emeline Vidal

News for August 19th, 2015

by Saturn de Los Angeles

Quebec's slow implementation of a bill intended to work in favor of transgender people is leaving the community in limbo. 
In a report by CBC News, Bill 35 is supposed to allow transgender-identified people to legally change their gender marker on official documents without going through reassignment surgery. 

However, due to a delay with the legislation review at the National Assembly, Transgender advocate Caroline Trottier-Gascon says that the longer the wait, the more difficult the obstacles transgender Quebeckers will have to face, most notably with discrimination and transphobia. 

August 19th, 2015

Hosted by: Catlin Spencer

Stories by: Saturn de los Angeles, Tom Matukala, Patricia Petit-Laing

Produced by: Emeline Vidal

News for August 17th 2015

by Saturn de Los Angeles

A campaign to strengthen the provinces anti-smoking regulations is underway. 

According to CBC News, a group representing 174 municipalities across Quebec -including Montreal- passed a resolution on Sunday, urging the province to push the regulations on public smoking even further.

Monday, August 17th 2015

Listen Now

Hosted by Danny Aubry

Stories by Saturn de Los Angeles, Patricia Petit Liang & Catlin Spencer

Produced by Catlin Spencer

News for August 14th, 2015

Satistics Canada reports on Thursday that the jobless rate in Montreal is much higher than the Canadian average, reaching 8,9%.

According to the Gazette, the creation of more than 20,000 jobs was not enough to counter multiple recent layoffs, especially when it comes to high-paying offers.

Analysts say that Quebec's focus on the primary sector may be a factor, as well as the slow rate of job creation compared to the increase in Montreal's population.

Quebec's Council of employers remains optimistic, noting that the current slump in oil prices should attract investors to the province.
