The McGill University Health Centre is in the process of ridding Montreal’s superhospital of black sewage.
According to CTV News, the Glen site hospital facilities were built with toilets that use three times less water than regular toilets.
The MUHC is investigating possible causes of the plumbing problems, which include construction material being left in the pipes, and patients flushing bizarre objects like latex gloves down the toilets.
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that four million refugees have fled Syria, and that another 7.6 million are displaced within the country.
Great Britain celebrates a crowning milestone on Wednesday as the 89-year-old Queen Elizabeth II becomes the country's longest reigning Monarch.
According to ABC News, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor will have had 63 years, 7 months, and 3 days on the job as the Queen, surpassing that of her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria.
Surprisingly her rise to the throne was purely accidental, as her father, King George IV passed away a couple of years shortly after his reign, making Elizabeth the heir.
Having lived through major historical events in the second half of the 20th Century and the first wave of the new millennium, experts believe that she will continue to represent the Monarch as opposed to her European contemporaries who have renounced their position.