by Julian McKenzie
Quebec began discussions on a possible animal welfare bill that would advocate for animal abusers to be jailed on Monday.
According to the CBC, the bill, known as Bill 54, would improve the rights of animals and make any offenders of the incoming animal cruelty laws face 18 months of jail time and fines of $750,000.
The bill could potentially make certain halal butchering techniques illegal, as the slow death of animals will not be tolerated.
Quebec has received criticism for giving unfavourable conditions to animals, notably through puppy mills.
by Catlin Spencer
Canada escaped debt almost a year early after Ottawa released a 1.9 billion dollar surplus for the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
According to CTV, Canada was bound for a deficit for the sixth time in a row when the recalculation was made.
The surplus money came largely in part due to higher than expected revenue growth as well as personal and corporate income taxes.
A balanced budget, the first of its kind since 2007-2008, will surely allow for some fiscal mobility for whichever political party wins in October.
by Saturn de Los Angeles
A group of Mexican tourists were accidentally killed by Egyptian security troops on Monday.
In a report by The Washington Post, the victims were part of a tour convoy exploring a nearby Egyptian desert when the military was on patrol cracking down on what they initially thought were terrorists.
While Egyptian authorities stated that the Mexicans in the convoy illegally entered the area, The Mexican ambassador for Egypt, Jorge Alvarez Fuentes, condemned the attacks on social media.
The Egyptian tourism ministry is looking into the circumstances of the encounter, in a case which may have been that of mistaken identity.