
FRINGE 2018: Short Reviews for Fringe-Packed Days

I was going to start off this article by saying that Montreal’s Fringe Fest can “be hectic at times,” until I realized I used those same exact words last year. I suppose that’s the case every year. The sheer amount of shows to see can be overwhelming, not to mention other events like the Tunes at the Fringe Park and the 13th Hour. Sometimes, you will be forced to make last-minute decisions, especially in the event where a show is sold out.

Here are some short reviews of shows I managed to catch in the span of one day.



FRINGE 2018: What the Hell Happened to my Patio Furniture?!

What the Hell Happened to My Patio Furniture?! is improviser and storyteller Joshua Budman’s first Fringe show! After years of performing improv and volunteering at the festival, Budman created a hilarious and incredibly charming one-person show about the real life disappearance of his patio furniture from his 16th floor apartment.

FRINGE 2018: Slaying in Suburbia

Project AlienCat’s student-made Slaying in Suburbia: An Interactive Murder Mystery is an exciting, satirical drama you’ll never forget! Venture off into a sunny, early 2000’s family-friendly PTA barbeque to discover the darkest secrets of these suburban families. Slaying in Suburbia is unlike any Fringe show I’ve ever seen and it was so much fun to experience!

Qui voir aux Francos: CJLO's (Free!) Guide to the Festival

The 30th edition of the Francofolies de Montréal festival—now called the Francos de Montréal—is upon us. From June 8th to June 17th, the Quartier des Spectacles will be filled with the cream of the crop of Quebec’s Francophone music scene and artists from the international Francophonie. As an Anglophone, puzzlement may be the reaction to most if not all of the acts on the bill at this year’s Francos. Have no fear though, because CJLO has got you covered on the most worthwhile shows to catch during the festival. The best part? All the below recommendations are free to see!

Paupière (Friday, June 8 @ 8 PM, corner of de Maisonneuve and Clark)

CJLO's Top Picks at Fringe Fest 2018

Montreal's St-Ambroise Fringe Festival is finally here! For nearly three weeks, be ready to watch and hear the best and weirdest of local and international culture, both in English et en français. CJLO will be covering the best of Fringe, and to launch our series of articles, here are our Fringe Team's top picks for this year's Fringe festival. 


Erica’s picks

Fringe-for-All: What's Coming This Year @ Fringe

Montreal’s Fringe Fest has officially begun! Now is the perfect time to pick up the program and start planning which shows you want to see. But sometimes, the short descriptions of shows can be vague. When in doubt, there’s Fringe-For-All, a chance for media and spectators to get a short preview of each show. Artists are given two minutes of stage time to do whatever they want. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a scene from their show, but it’s an opportunity to introduce the themes, the overall plot or the characters. At the one-minute mark, the lights will flicker to give a warning. If the artists go beyond two-minutes, the sound will cut and the lights will go out.

Better Know a College Radio Station: CJLO (via Bandcamp.com)

Look ma, we're famous! 

Yesterday, one of our favourite music platforms, Bandcamp highlighted our station's history, favourite music and more in their monthly Better Know A College Radio Station feature! As a major source of new music discovery, this is a huge honour for us and we'd like to take a moment to thank Ally-Jane Grossan and the whole team at Bandcamp for their relentless support of college radio. Not all heroes wear capes ✨

Read the full article here: https://bit.ly/2LfxsiK

Next Music from Tokyo vol. 12: PREVIEW

The month of May is upon us. Japanese music nerds all across Canada rejoice: another edition of Next Music from Tokyo is coming!

Next Music from Tokyo (NMFT) is a series of DIY tours showcasing relatively unknown bands from all over Japan (despite its name) organized and funded entirely by anesthesiologist, music aficionado, and all-around good guy Steven Tanaka. It’s been running since 2010, and the last edition, volume 11, was in October 2017.

CJLO is going to South by Southwest!

CJLO is going to South by Southwest! From March 14-17, four of our music directors will be in Austin, TX, to attend an incredibly wide variety of concerts and events. Here's what they're expecting from the 2018 SXSW experience.

Zach Carriere, a.k.a. Zakary Slax, is CJLO's Head Music Director, and hosts Slax Trax, every Tuesday from 5 to 6 PM.

The Best of 2017

There is a new and exciting year ahead of us, but we here at CJLO 1690AM want to take this chance to reminisce about the wonderful music, film, events, and FUN that 2017 bestowed upon us. The folks at the "little station that does!" give you their top picks of the year, and the lists reflect the amazing radio that broadcasts on CJLO every day, as well as the eclectic tastes of our DJs, volunteers, and staff!

And while you're here, have a look at our on-air schedule for more information on our programming, or click on a DJ's show page, all hyperlinked for your convenience below (because we care, man).

All the best to you and yours in 2018!

DJ SPOTLIGHT #5 - DJ Mister Vee

Ever wondered who exactly was behind your favourite show on CJLO? CJLO 1690 AM presents DJ Spotlight, a brand new series aiming to connect the station's DJs to the public. All the DJs answer the same fixed questions—meaning it's up to them to make their answers worth your while. This week, we introduce you Mike Vo, or DJ Mister Vee, host of Beats from the East.

DJ SPOTLIGHT #4 - Gordon Weekes

Ever wondered who exactly was behind your favourite show on CJLO? CJLO 1690 AM presents DJ Spotlight, a brand new series aiming to connect the station's DJs to the public. All the DJs answer the same fixed questions—meaning it's up to them to make their answers worth your while. This week, we introduce you Gordon Weekes, host of Anatomy of Caribbean Music and World Beat News.

The Link Health Magazine Launch Party: Discussing Health

Last Friday night, Concordia students and music lovers alike joined CJLO at the Casa del Popolo in St. Laurent as it hosted The Link’s third launch party of the Fall semester. The night was filled with meaningful conversations and electric live performances, creating the perfect atmosphere to celebrate the publication of The Link’s third issue, which tackles a subject that can’t be talked about enough in both the university setting and Canada: health.

DJ SPOTLIGHT #3 - Remi Caron

Ever wondered who exactly was behind your favourite show on CJLO? CJLO 1690 AM presents DJ Spotlight, a brand new series aiming to connect the station's DJs to the public. All the DJs answer the same fixed questions—meaning it's up to them to make their answers worth your while. This week, we introduce you Remi Caron, co-host of At the Movies (With Iconic Sounds).

The Neighbourhood Guide to M for Montreal

M for Montreal (Nov 15-18th) is back for its 12th edition so allow me, the host of The Neighbourhood (Wednesdays at 5pm), to give you my daily highlights. I've included two picks per night... first, My Top Choice and second, What My Wallet Can Allow. Happy listening! 


Wednesday, Nov 15th

Rest up, because there are only 2 shows. One for industry and the other is sold out! 

Thursday, Nov 16th
