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Bloc Québécois has a new leader

2e débat de la course à la présidence du Bloc Québécois à MontréalFormer MP Daniel Paillé has been chosen as the Bloc Québécois’ new leader on Sunday.

The Bloc Québecois had a poor showing in last May’s election, going down to four seats from 47 seats in Parliament.

Current MPs Maria Mourani and Jean-Francois Fortin were also seeking to replace Gilles Duceppe as party leader.

Adele makes Billboard history

Adele [21]2011 is almost over, but Adele’s year keeps getting better. She made Billboard history on Friday by setting a new record.

She is the first female artist with a top album, top single and top artist title in the same year. 

News December 9th 2011

Read by Shaun Malley

Produce by Erica Bridgeman

Stories written by Danny Aubry, Lucianna Gravotta and Shaun Malley

Scouts Canada Issues Apology

Scouts Canada apologized on Thursday to former scouts who were molested by volunteer leaders.

They have recently hired the consulting firm KPMG to investigate records of leaders who were accused of sexual abuse.

The investigation should be finished by early January followed by a public announcement of what has been uncovered.

Scouts Canada is now making a greater effort to check if any of the volunteers possess criminal records.

They have also promised to strengthen their child protection policies.

Two die in another Virginia Tech shooting

Virginia TechAnother shooting at Virginia Tech. Two people were shot and killed around noon on Thursday. The police are continuing their investigation.

Reports alleged that the second victim was the shooter, but this has not yet been confirmed. The other victim was an on-duty traffic cop named Derrick Crouse. He was a father of five.

Syria's al-Assad Defiant in the Face of Western Media

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad in YerevanSyrian president Bashar al-Assad denies responsibility for the bloody crackdown on protesters in his country.  He passed the blame for the violence onto thugs and religious extremists. Protecting the public was his sole motivation according to an interview with ABC reporter Barbara Walters.

News december 8 2011

Read by Katie McGroarty.

Produced by Sofia Gay.

Stories by Dominique Daoust, Sabrina Daniel and Shaun Malley.

One foot in the right direction

Woody wagonOlder vehicles will have mandatory emissions testing in Quebec.

Bill forty-eight was introduced at the national assembly by the Charest government on Wednesday. It’s part of the provincial measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to improve air quality.

Internationally renowned journalist Gwynne Dyer warns Concordia students about climate change

On Monday evening, International Affairs journalist, Gwynne Dyer, spoke to Concordia students about the effects of climate change. He said that if the global temperature rises by two degrees, human kind is in big trouble. This could happen in just 20 to 25 years.

Dyer said that once we’re there, even if we turn off all of our emissions, there will be literally nothing we can do; there will be no turning back. At the current rate, the earth is looking at an ice-free arctic by 2030.

Kelly "Sugarface Néné" Belfo

Name: Kelly Belfo

What is your DJ alias? & what are its origins? : Sugarface Nene (Nene means "Mommy" in the Ibo lauguage (Nigeria) and Sugarface was given to me by Raphael DJ 610 of Caribbean Callaloo)

Show: Beat The World

Genre: World

How long have you been at CJLO? : since 2003

What is the best thing about working at CJLO? : the music and the people

Describe your show as a potential life partner. What are its qualities? : I always looks forward to the time we spend together.  It is supportive & reliable and I know where to find it (24/7).

Colombians protest against rebel violence

FARC, No MaS...Tens of thousands of Colombians took to the streets to protest against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, after they executed four captives.

The victims, military soldiers kidnapped more than a decade ago, were shot at point blank when government troops attacked the FARC hideout.

December 7th, 2011

Read by Emily Brass

Produced by Nikita Smith

Stories by Chris Hanna, Emily Brass, Joel Ashak, and Sarah Moore

Underwater earthquakes collapsing could mean more tsunamis

Rocks Off of Ronde IslandNew research shows that mountains under the Pacific Ocean are the site of one of Earth's most violent natural processes. Images taken by underwater sonars show that the massive volcanic mountains are being dragged into an abyss. 

The abyss is where the Pacific plate collides with the Indo-Australian plate. And it is up to 10.9km deep at some parts.

Theft on the rise on Concordia's downtown campus

The expansion of the Guy-Concordia metro station is partly to blame for the increase in theft on Concordia's downtown campus.

Concordia's interim director of security Jacques Lachance said the new tunnels make it easier for thieves to flee the scene.

So far this year, more than 230 items were reported stolen to Concordia security. Their value is estimated at around $120,000. 

December 6, 2011

Read by: Joel Balsam

Stories by: Nikita Smith, Tara Brockwell, Aisha Samu and Niki Mohrdar

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

MUNACA workers head back to work

Today is the first day that support workers at MCGill University head back to work after more that three months of strike.

Monday saw 71.5 per cent of MUNACA workers voted yes to the new contract.

Workers will now have a 2.6 to 3.2 per cent wage increase a year. Initially, they were offered an increase of 1.2 per cent. This pay rise will now allow workers to get the maximum pay in 12 years instead of 37.

The MUNACA strike affected many services on campus, such as laboratory and clerical support, registration, and student residence management.

Private daycare operators find bureaucrats inconsistent

The Quebec Association of Private Daycares wants the Charest government  to overhaul its licensing policies.

The association accuses bureaucrats within Quebec’s Ministry of Family of evaluating similar applications for daycare licenses vastly different from one another.  It wants the province to come up with a fairer standardized grading model.

China's compromise fails to sway Canada on Kyoto

Demonstration in front of International Conference CenterCanada is standing firm on its decision not to sign on to a second phase of the Kyoto Protocol. China’s compromise to start cutting its greenhouse gas emissions hasn’t swayed Environment Minister Peter Kent. Kent wants more details on China’s proposal to cut its greenhouse gas emissions in 2020.

The gap between the rich and the poor increases

Rich Poor DivideThe gap between the earnings of the rich and the poor in OECD countries is expanding.

According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, in 2008 the top 10 percent of Canadians average annual income was roughly 105 thousand dollars, which was 10 times higher than the earnings of the bottom 10 percent. The annual income of the bottom 10 percent was closer to 10 thousand.

"Honour killing expert" testifies at Shafia murder trial

My Trusty GavelA University of Toronto professor who claims to be an expert on honour killings told the courtroom of the Shafia murder trials that in some cultures, honour is more valuable than human life.

The professor, named Shahrzad Mojab, said that it’s almost expected for male family members to kill female family members if they threaten the family’s honour.

He said that this belief is strongest in the Middle East.

Bixi comes to the South Shore

Bixi Rental BikesSouth Shore bikers rejoice! As long as the Longueuil city council approves the program, residents will soon be able to rent Bixi bikes as soon as next spring.

The Bixi program’s proposal would cost $1 million over seven years. Reportedly, it would include six stations and 70 bikes.

December 5th 2011

Produced By Melissa Mulligan

Read By Sarah Deshaies

Stories By Sofia Gay, Gregory Wilson, Daniel J. Rowe. 

Putin's United Russia party suffers at the polls

__Z3P6140aPrime Minister Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party will presumably suffer a major loss in the parliamentary elections.

96 per cent of the votes have been counted so far. Electoral officials said the party had less than 50 per cent. This will most likely result in United Russia loosing its two-thirds majority in the Duma.

NDP leadership candidates discuss economy

2011-04-14 MontrealThe NDP leadership debates have officially begun. The first of six debates took place in Ottawa on Sunday.

Candidates were invited to talk about Canada’s economy. The debate was organized in groups of three for the nine candidates.

The ability to speak French of the candidates was tested as questions were made in both of Canada’s official languages.
