
The CJLO news team brings you the hottest stories in the city! Catch the latest news segments and articles here or view the complete list.

Facebook may not be able to sell your soul to advertisers in Europe come January

ZuckMark Zuckerberg will no longer be able to tell advertisers that you’re a gay non-practicing Buddhist who voted for Stephen Harper. The European commission is planning on stopping Facebook from using information about its users. The new directive will ban targeted advertising unless the user specifically allows it.

This plan may negatively affect Facebook’s earnings. That would be bad news as Facebook plans to float its stock on Wall Street.

Teen girl home safe after attack

Crime Scene TapeA twelve-year old girl escaped after three teenagers tried to light her on fire on Friday evening in Saguenay.

The young girl showed up at one of the suspect’s home with her friend when the teens attacked her.

The teens doused the girl with gasoline contained in empty beer bottles and lit multiple matches at her.

More trouble for Turcot interchange

Turcot InterchangeDrivers using the Turcot interchange will be having more problems next year. More work will be done on the new Turcot and there will be lane closures.

Engineers gave the highway’s structures the lowest grade for overall health.

It costs two hundred and fifty-four million to keep the Turcot running. It will not be demolished until 2018.

JHR - Journalism Students Speaking Out

The Concordia Chapter of Journalists for Human rights just capped off their first semester. Their Speak 4 Rights series is unique forum for discussing some of the most pressing issues of the day.  CJLO’s own Shaun Malley went down to the event to find out more.

News, November 25th 2011

Read by Shaun Malley

Produced by Erica Bridgeman

Stories written by Danny Aubry, Tanu Huff, Luciana Gravotta and Joel Balsam

Suspected Mob boss found in L'Assomption river

An alleged Montreal mob boss was found dead in the Assomption river north-east of the city on Thursday morning.

Salvatore Montagna was suspected as being the head of New York's Bonanno crime family. After being deported to Canada in 2009, he was considered a contender to lead Montreal's Rizzuto family Mafia.

Police speculate that the killing was related to Montagna's efforts to switch Mafia groups. 

Its all over at Occupy Montreal

Occupy Montreal in OctoberIts all over for the Occupy movement in Montreal.

Police moved in this morning to kick out the remaining occupiers.

Most protesters tore down their tents in Victoria Square on Thursday afternoon shortly after receiving eviction notices.

Mayor Gerald Tremblay said that protesters should leave with their heads held high because they were able to freely express themselves.

Over the last few weeks there were increased reports of misconduct at the site.

EU fuel legislation has Canada worried

A member of the European Parliament is in Montreal today to calm Canada’s fears about the European Union’s new fuel legislation. The legislation would rate fuels based on how energy intensive their extraction is.

With tar sands oil rated as almost 20 percent more energy intensive than conventional oil, it has made Canada nervous. While Canada does not currently sell to the EU, the Keystone XL pipeline project could provide a route by which Canada could sell to the EU in the future.

Black Friday


Friday is the day many US retailers can’t wait for all year. Black Friday. Every year on the day after Thanksgiving, hordes of American shoppers go bargain hunting for the holidays.

An astonishing half of the whole US population is expected to go shopping this weekend. And this could mean a great deal to fears of a recession. A bad holiday season would send investors panicking while a good one would dispel those fears.

News: November 24, 2011

News read and produced by Sofia Gay.

Stories by Joel Balsam, Dominique Daoust, Shaun Malley, Brandon Judd and Sabrina Daniel.

CSU Council officially condemns SPVM at Mcgill on Nov 10, will have SGM on corruption

CSU Council met yesterday with several important topics on the agenda.

Right off the bat they voted in favour of a statement condemning the actions of the police on November 10th at Mcgill. The CSU says riot police acted excessively when kicking students off campus. 

Council also voted to have a Special General Meeting next week to discuss allegations of corruption in the CSU. Chair of the Judicial Board Ceejay Desfosses and CSU President Lex Gill are accused in the appeal of being in collusion.

Parents say no to Royal Vale change

Parents and students rallied outside of Royal Vale School in Notre-Dame-de-Grace yesterday. They were fighting against the proposed move of the school to another neighbourhood.

The English Montreal School Board is considering moving the school to Cote Saint Luc. NDG parents are saying the move makes no sense.

Mother accused of murdering her children

Dumpster garageA mother accused of dumping her baby in a dumpster in Calgary last fall is now being charged with the murder of two other of her children.

After a length investigation, the mother was charged with attempted murder last week for dumping her child in a dumpster.

Three Quebec anti-corruption investigators resign

Three high-ranking members of Quebec’s anti-corruption task force have resigned.

The head of the Unité permanente anti-corruption Robert Lafrenière denies there are problems within the unit. He said all three are retiring for personal reasons.

But Parti Quebecois leader Pauline Marois questioned whether the departures could cut off access to important information. Opposition critics in the National Assembly also suggested on Tuesday that Lafrenière has failed to get results and should be replaced.

Major drug bust in Quebec and New Brunswick

32 people have been arrested in a major drug bust in Quebec and New Brunswick. Federal, provincial and city police officers conducted searches in 25 municipalities. Large quantities of cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine pills were seized along with a substantial amount of cash.

Police say the raids are part of an investigation into a drug trafficking ring involving a Montreal chapter of the Hell's Angels.

News: November 23, 2011

Read by: Emily Brass

Stories by: Lindsay Briscoe, Emily Brass and Alexa Fay

Produced by: Michael Lemieux

McGill strike negotiations back on

McGill UniversityNegotiations between McGill support staff and the administration are back on. After calling talks off last week, the two groups will meet with a conciliator on Friday.

Members of the McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA) have been on strike since September 1.

November 22, 2011

Read by: Aisha Samu

Stories by: Katie McGroarty, Aisha Samu, Niki Mohrdar and Jordie Yeager

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Montreal teen allowed to return to English school

A Montreal teenager won the right to return to his English high school Monday after months of fighting. Sixteen-year-old Emilio Morales-Espinosa was forced to attend a French school after his father applied for permanent residency. 

Quebec language laws allow children of parents who have temporary residency to attend English school. The exception no longer applies once the family applies for permanent residency.The family emigrated from Mexico eleven years ago. The government reversed its decision in this case on humanitarian grounds.

Angus cries Conservative conspiracy

NDP MP Charlie Angus accused Conservatives of squandering funds in preparation for the G8 summit.

Over 50 million dollars were spent in Treasury Board President Tony Clement’s Muskoka riding prior to it hosting the G8 Summit in June 2010.  Expenditures included a 2 million dollar renovation fund for Deerhurst Resort which was later sold-off at a large profit.

Obama blâme les Républicans pour l'échec de la commission du dette américaine

Obama In Columbus 2010Suite à l'échec de la commission visant à réduire l'endettement des États-Unis, Barack Obama s'est dit déçu et blâme les Républicains pour le résultat. Rappellons que cette commission était composé de 12 membres dont 6 républicains. 

Afin de remédier à la situation les démocrates ont proposé une hausse d'impôts pour les plus aisés alors que les Républicains ont proposé de couper dans certains programmes sociaux.

Canada, the US, and the UK to place sanctions against Iran

Nuclear Power Plant Doel AntwerpThe UN has given a report with strong evidence saying that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, but Iran denies these allegations.

Mammograms not needed as frequently

25 cents for breast cancerA study done by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care says that most Canadian women under 50 do not need regular mammograms. It also says that woman over 50 can go three years between their scans.

November 21st 2011

Produced By Melissa Mulligan

Read By Melissa Mulligan

Stories By Sofia Gay, Daniel J. Rowe, Audrey Folliot, Esther Viragh and Gregory Wilson

Renewed violence in Tahrir Square

CSF vehicle on fire - Tahrir BattleThe death toll in Cairo’s Tahrir Square has risen over the weekend. 13 people were killed and hundreds injured following clashes between Egyptian authorities and demonstrators.

The European Union has strongly condemned the violence. Clashes have taken place in other cities as well.
