
The CJLO news team brings you the hottest stories in the city! Catch the latest news segments and articles here or view the complete list.

Fire in Downtown Montreal

In local news, more than one hundred firefighters rushed downtown to stop a fire on Sherbrook street west Sunday night. The fire caused an estimated one million dollar damage to an art gallery. The worse damages were on the third floor and the roof, were the fire is believed to have started. None of the tenants living about the gallery were injured. Several hundreds of pieces of art were saved with little damage. The fire was not characterized as arson by the Police Department.  Investigations into what happened are still ongoing. 

Victory of ice dancer duo Crone and Poirier

Vanessa Crone and Paul Poirier obtained their first national senior ice dance title at the Canadian figure skating championship on Sunday.The winning duo reached a total score of one hundred and sixty four .21 with a performance to The Beatles “Eleanor Rigby”.  In the tight competition, Kaitlyn Weaver and Andrew Poje from Waterloo, Ontario came in second, with one hundred and sixty three .18 points. 

Is Maxime Bernier Canada's Sarah Palin?

There’s a strong backlash to Conservative MP Maxime Bernier’s recent language comments. In an offhand remark to a Halifax radio station Bernier questioned Bill 101 as restricting people’s linguistic freedom and choice.

Amongst the fury of responses Liberal MP Denis Coderre charged that Bernier’s arguments make Sarah Palin look like an intellectual. The online culture was less than polite in their response, resorting to name-calling. Most of the supportive responses came -not surprisingly - from English Canada.

Packers Steel Super Bowl

The Green Bay Packers became Super Bowl champions Sunday night. NFL player Aaron Rodgers threw three touchdown passes. And Nick Collins returned an interception for another score. All leading the Packers to a 31- 25 victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers. This was Green Bay's fourth Super Bowl title.


February 7th 2011

Read by Correntine Rivoire

Produced by Gareth Sloan

Stories by Marcin Wisniewski, Chris Hanna, Sarah El Fangary, and Correntine Rivoire

Charest to prorogue National Assembly

Quebec Premier Jean Charest announced he will prorogue the National Assembly to update the Liberals’ agenda. Charest said this is completely normal for a party in majority to do at this point in its mandate.
Charest’s Liberals were re-elected in December 2008 and do not have to call another election until December 2013.
The Parti Quebecois opposition says that Charest is using prorogation as a tactic to distract the people from his government’s shortcomings.
Last week, Charest replaced his chief of staff and shuffled his cabinet.
Charest said the National Assembly will be prorogued by the end of February.

Joel "Stringbean" Suss

Smart, charismatic and dedicated are just a few of the words thrown around when Joel Suss’s name comes up in conversation. A relatively new addition to CJLO, Joel has been a member for just over a year. In the short time that Joel has been on board, his show, The Sports Injection (which he hosts alongside Taimur Tanoli and Ben Wenger) has become a fan favorite. With calls from local fans to those far away, the energy on the show is always positive and the people who call in, although they don’t always agree with the boys, still love and respect them.

February 4th, 2011

News read by Jessica MacDonald and produced by Erica Bridgeman.

Stories written by Michael Moore, Jacqueline Di Bartolomeo and Samah Fadil.

Carry-on rules relaxed in Canadian airports

New, less stringent airport security regulations have come into effect which may allow for more efficient travel. CATSA is the agency in charge of these regulations. They have eased the restrictions on carry-on items. Passengers are now permitted items like tools and scissors that are no longer than six centimeters. Chuck Strahl is the Canadian transport minister. He says CATSA now wants to focus their efforts on higher level threats, like explosives. Airports also

February 3rd 2011

Read by: AJ Cordeiro

Produced by: Melissa Mulligan

Articles by: Jessica MacDonald, AJ Cordeiro, Alina Gotcherian

February 1st, 2011

News read by Cassandra Keating and produced by Erica Fisher.

Stories written by Dominique Daoust, Aisha Samu, Celia Ste. Croix, Joel Balsam and Sofia Gay.

January 31st 2011

Read by Sofia Gay

Produced by Gareth Sloan

Stories by Corentine Rivoire, Erica Fisher, and Sarah Elfangary

January 28th 2011

News read by Jason Rouah and produced by Erica Bridgeman.

Stories written by Erica Fisher and Jackie di Bartolomeo

January 27th 2011

Read by A.J. Cordeiro 

Produced by Melissa Mulligan

Stories by A.J. Cordeiro, Jessica MacDonald, Alina Gotcherian  

January 26, 2011

Read by Sarah Deshaies

Produced by NIkita Smith

Stories by Michael Moore, Cassandra Keating, Sarah Deshaies, Aisha Samu

January 25th 2011

News read by Erica Fisher and produced by Brian Joseph.

Major construction on a section of Decarie Boulevard in NDG is causing disruptions for residents, drivers and businesses. Work is being done to install a sewage collection system for the new superhospital. Decarie Boulevard is closed between St-Jacques and de Maisonneuve. It will remain closed for several months. Traffic is being diverted to nearby residential streets.

Written by: Aisha Samu

Nudists in the land of the cold will fight in court for their right to keep their clothes off. Brian Coldin is being sued for five counts of public nudity. He went through Tim Horton’s and A&W drive-thrus naked.

January 24th 2011

Read by Corentine Rivoire

Produced by Gareth Sloan

Stories by Marcin Wisniewski, Corentine Rivoire, and Chris Hanna

January 20, 2011

Read by AJ Cordeiro

Produced by Gareth Sloan

Stories by Alina Gotcherina, Jessica MacDonald, and AJ Cordeiro

January 19, 2011

Read by Sarah Deshaies

Produced by Nikita Smith

Stories by Sarah Deshaies, Michael Moore, Cassandra Keating

January 18. 2011

News read and produced by: Erica Fisher

Concordia has settled on an interim president. Former president Frederick Lowy is said to be in talks to take over. The Board of Governor’s Executive Committee recommended Lowy out of twenty one candidates. His duties will consist of strengthening the relationship between the Board and the senior administration. Smoothing things over with the Concordia community will also be on the agenda. 

Lowy was previously president and vice-chancellor of Concordia from nineteen ninety five until two thousand five. 

Written by: Dominique Daoust

Anthony "Stabilo" Stabile

Anthony "Stabilo" Stabile has been a cohost on The Main Event since January 2010. Within that year he has worked hard to make a name for himself in a somewhat small Montreal wrestling market. He joined the wrestling focused talk show because of his love for the sport and admiration for the hard work put in by long time hosts Ryan Rider and Steve Rockamaniac.

January 13. 2011

News read by Erica Fisher and produced by Melissa Mulligan.

Stories written by Erica Fisher, Alina Gotcherian and AJ Cordeiro.

January 12, 2011

Read by Sarah Deshaies

Produced by Nikita Smith

Stories by Erica Fisher, Michael Moore, Sofia Gay
