
The CJLO news team brings you the hottest stories in the city! Catch the latest news segments and articles here or view the complete list.

November 3rd 2010

Read by Sarah Deshaies

Produced by Nikita Smith

Stories By Joel Balsam, Gareth Sloan, and Sarah Deshaies

CJLO News November 1st 2010

News read by Drew Pascoe

News Produced by Drew Pascoe and Melissa Mulligan


Stories by Marcin Wisniewski, Michael Lemieux, and Chris Hanna

October 29th 2010

Read and produced by Gareth Sloan

Written by Alan Gotcherian, Samah Fadil and Michael Moore

CJLO News: October 27th 2010

Student groups are protesting as Concordia plans to resign its exclusive beverage contract with PepsiCo Friday. This is according to Sustainable Concordia and the Concordia Student Union. The protest will take place at one-thirty Wednesday outside of the John Molson building.The alleged contract will continue to give Pepsi exclusive rights over selling drinks on campus. Pepsi has been Concordia’s only drink supplier for the past thirteen years.


October 27th 2010

Read by Gareth Sloan

Produced by Nikita Smith

Stories by Joel Balsam, Sarah Deshaies and Gareth Sloan

CJLO News October 25th 2010


Omar Khadr has pled guilty to war crimes charges at Guantanamo Bay Monday. This means he admits to throwing the grenade that killed a U.S. medic in Afghanistan in 2002. By pleading guilty, he is also avoiding a possible life-sentence. His plea agreement has not yet been disclosed. It is known that he will be able to transfer to a Canadian prison within one year. 

CJLO News for October 25th 2010

News read and produced by Drew Pascoe

Stories by Chris Hanna, Sarah Fengary, Marcin Wisniewski.


The much awaited dump of some 390,000 documents relating to the Iraq war has finally taken place and not surprisingly a grim picture emerges from this war of choice that the US and their "coalition of the willing" took part in.

October 22nd 2010

Read by Brittany Leborne

Produced by Gareth Sloan

Stories by Samah Fadil, Jacqueline Di Bartolome and Alina Gotcherian

October 20th 2010

Read by Gareth Sloan

Produced by Nikita Smith

Stories by Sarah Deshaies, Joel Balsam and Gareth Sloan

CJLO News October 18th 2010

News read and produced by Drew Pascoe

Storries written by Erica Fisher, Marcin Wisniewski, and Chris Hanna

October 15th 2010

Read and Produced by Gareth Sloan

Stories by Jacqueline Di Bartolomeo, Mike Moore, Erica Fisher

Environment News Story Links

Hey there and thanks for dropping by. Wanted to make sure I got the news links for today's show posted before midnight.

Canada gets one half-right as BPA Bisphenol A is declared toxic but not banned from use. This in spite of studies that show ...the plastic causes “adverse effects on animals” exposed at low doses, including biochemical changes in the central nervous system, effects on the immune system and enhanced susceptibility to breast cancer.

CJLO News October 8th 2010

News read and produced by Drew Pascoe.


Stories submitted by Samah Fadil, Mike Moore, and Jacqueline Di Bartolomeo

News: Monday, October 4, 2010


A man accused of making death threats on Facebook will attend a bail hearing on Monday. David Abitbol was arrested early Saturday morning at his home in the north end of Montreal. The 28 year old suspect used the alias “David Darkiller” on the social network. His profile featured pictures of automatic weapons and the quote "Death is the only solution."

CJLO News for October 4th 2010

News read and produced by Drew Pascoe


Stories written by Chris Hanna, Emily Brass, and Sarah El Fangary

CJLO News September 20th 2010

Read and produced by Gareth Sloan.

Stories written by Chris Hanna, Emily Brass, and Marcin Wisniewski

Canada's Tarsands

Here in Canada we have the tarsands with their attendant tailings ponds which are a massive ecological disaster, an inefficient way to get oil from the ground, and late last night it was reported that deformed fish are being found in Lake Athabasca downstream from the tarsands in northern Alberta.

Climate Change Leads To Arctic Gold Rush

The Arctic is the one place no argues about or disputes the rapidly changing climate. The ice pack has shrunk so much ...that two ships are now attempting a polar circumnavigation of the globe by sailing along both the Canadian and Russian Arctic coastlines.

The Long Gun Registry

The Tories are facing a defeat on one of their most cherished issues, and they have been put on the defensive about a CBC report that alleges their campaign on this issue has ties to the NRA. The CBC has published documents to back up their claim that the NRA has been actively involved in trying to abolish the long gun registry for years now.

Climate Science News Update

"The northern polar ice cap has been showing the effects of global warming more rapidly than any other place on earth." So begins this video report that features NASA's Tom Wagner and a convincing eye-witness account of what's happening to Arctic sea ice from Arctic researcher David Barber. You can witness for yourself that there is little left to doubt as to whether or not the climate has changed and continues to do so in exactly the manner in which climate scientists long ago predicted

CJLO News September 13th 2010

News Read by Emily Brass, Produced by Drew Pascoe

Stories written by Chris Hanna, Emily Brass, and Marcin Wisniewski

CJLO News September 8th 2010

News Read and Produced by Drew Pascoe

Stories written by Samah Fadil, Jonathan Moore, and Gareth Sloan
