The Concordia Student Union has acted according to its students' wishes. At its council meeting Wednesday night, the CSU passed all six motions put forward by the informational general meeting last month. These include motions denouncing the actions of Concordia and the Quebec government regarding tuition increases. The council will also work towards banning the advertisement of credit cards on campus.
The councilors applauded after the passing of each motion. They represented the direct wishes of the student body. Between one-hundred and-fifty and two-hundred students attended the IGM where they were formed.
Other news from the council meeting: Queer Concordia will run for a fee levy in the upcoming referendum. They are asking for two cents per credit from undergraduate students. They say the money will go towards creating an accessible service centre.
The CSU also pledged 1900 dollars towards the Special General Assembly on Monday. This matches the donations made by the Graduate Student Association and Fee Education Montreal.
Earlier in the day, if you were walking around Concordia downtown you may have seen the strange sight of a narwhal running after a business man. The chase was a publicity stunt for the Wintry Hot Accessible Love-in for Education on Monday. The business man showed up around 12:30 yelling “Die Free Education”. The costume narwhal chased him through multiple buildings before spearing him down.
The WHALE event takes place on Monday at 11:30 am on the Reggies terrace. If enough students attend, they will vote on having a day of action to denounce the Quebec Ministry of Education's proposed tuition fee hikes.