Magrudergrind + Yautja + AHNA + Profane Order @ La Vitrola

Magrudergrind + Yautja + AHNA + Profane Order >> La Vitrola >> May 25, 2016

Grinders and crusties all clad in black celebrated hump day by riding their fixed-gear bikes to La Vitrola to see grindcore masters Magrudergrind play their last Canadian date before returning to the States. Back in February, Magrudergrind released their second full-length II through Relapse Records (have I mentioned yet that Relapse is my favourite record label?) after an almost six-year hiatus. 

CJLO's Metal Shows Get a Brand New Look! Part 1

CJLO is home to six "official" metal shows, and a few others (including mine), that mostly play metal but appear as red and not black on the CJLO on air schedule. Shows like mine understand the benefit of seeming like any ordinary ol' rock show, while playing some of the heaviest music. By making ourselves seem accessible and harmless, we fulfill every parental fear by luring virgin ears to the devil's music.

Today: Syd Perry on World Beat News (12pm) + Saturday on Anatomy of Caribbean Music (8pm)

Today at noon, Syd Perry will stop by the studio to talk to Gee Weekes on World Beat News. He will be back again on Saturday for Anatomy of Caribbean Music (Saturdays 8pm-10pm), so take note!

Sprung-up WildflowerChild SpringMix

"Sprung-up WildflowerChild SpringMix" is a spring fever mix tape brought to you by Zakary Slax from Slax Trax, Tuesdays at 5PM. Specializing in the wild and weird strains of rock and/or roll!

Press play:

Track list:

#CJLOGoesMoog: Day Four

Today was a short day for me, thanks Air Canada for booking me on an early flight.

Despite my brief amount of time, I managed to see some great stuff!

#CJLOGoesMoog: Day Three

A conversation with Ben Frost and Tim Hecker. Photo taken by author.

Today was a day to celebrate musical diversities of Moogfest 2016. Well, after a quick trip to the Moogfest Record Fair, presented by All Day Records, Merge, and some delicious food from one of the countless food trucks surrounding the downtown core.

#CJLOGoesMoog: Day Two

Today began bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and ready to talk radio at the panel on Radical Radio. I was especially excited for this discussion, not only because I am a self-professed radio nerd, but one of the speakers was a college radio alumni of mine, Anna Friz, from back in the day at CITR 101.9fm in Vancouver. Along with co-presenter Jeff Kolar, they discussed the cross-disciplinary aspects of radio, as art, communications, and current transmission practice, highlighting the beauty found in the instability and somewhat randomness of the signal.

#CJLOGoesMoog: Day One

I spent part of the day getting acclimatized to Durham, North Carolina, figuring out the lay of the land, so to speak.

First stop was to the Carolina Theatre to get all of my press stuff sorted. While there I got to interact with the WiFi Whisperer, by Kyle McDonald. This art installation explores the social nature of WiFi, monitoring and manipulating visitors' data and activity, and leaking more then they might realize. Whoa…

Kid Congo Powers Interview on The Go-Go Radio Magic Show, live broadcast from Bar Le Ritz pdb: Friday 6-8pm

Tune in tomorrow night (Friday) for a special episode of The Go-Go Radio Magic Show (6-8pm), which will be coming to you live from Bar Le Ritz PDB (179 Jean Talon O.), in anticipation of The Kid Congo and The Pink Monkey Birds show with The Adam Brown opening. Prince Palu and Oncle Ian will be getting your ears ready for a prime night of music and psychedelic shenanigans- bringing you interviews with Montreal's own Adam Brown and the legendary Kid Congo Powers himself (a

Champion of the Local Scene: Strange Froots' Radio Special + Special Guests

Re-listen to a JAM-PACKED edition of Champions of the Local Scene as Strange Froots, our On Rotation Hip Hop Resident, gets to host their very own radio show! Hear conversations about alternative hip-hop identities, social deviance, and the queer/urban intersections - with special guests: Lucas Charlie Rose, C'nee Starlette, Marshia Celina, Navid a.k.a. Boih, and Gayance!
