Au Revoir Montreal

"Au Revoir Montreal" is a spring mix tape by Chris Noel from Audio Penpals, Fridays at 4PM only on CJLO. 

I DJed a bit over the past few years and would play mostly cumbia and reggae so this mix kinda represents the music that I've really liked and songs that I think people responded well to. It starts with a very traditional song and gets more 'accessible' after the first four minutes. It's titled "Au Revoir Montreal" because I'm moving to LA and these songs will always remind me of the time I spent in Montreal.

Press play:


Recently on Beyond the Black Rainbow, I spoke with Moogfest's Festival Director Marisa Brickman, giving us a taste of what to expect of this year's festival happening from May 19 - 22, 2016 in Durham, North Carolina.

Nap Eyes @ Casa del Popolo

Presented by Blue Skies Turn Black

East-coast band Nap Eyes finished off their off their North American tour for their second full length album, Thought Rock Fish Scale, on Friday, April 8th at Casa del Popolo.

Monday @ 4pm: Beyond the Black Rainbow talks Moogfest!

Monday, on a special episode of Beyond the Black Rainbow, Julie will go in-depth with Marisa Brickman, Festival Director of Moogfest! Moogfest takes place May 19-22 in Durham, North Carolina and CJLO will be there! Julie from BTBR will be on the ground, bringing us a taste of the eccleticism of Moogfest! Founded in 2004, Moogfest is a tribute to Dr. Robert Moog, pioneer and innovator/ inventor of the infamous synthesizer that bears his name.

Today: Sate Interview on The Groovemaster's Hour: 5pm

Coming up today at 5pm on The Groovemaster's Hour, we will be talking to blues rock powerhouse SATE! SATE has just released a new single "Know My Name" and will be playing Canada Music Week May 4th at Lee's Palace in Toronto and May 7th in Montreal at Festival Anachronik at Le Loup Garou.

An Ode to the Sun

"An Ode to the Sun" is a spring mix tape by Remi from At the Movies (with Iconic Sounds), Tuesdays at 8AM only on CJLO. 

When you make it out of the deep freeze of the woods and the lack of colour of the season, there is spring. That bright light that shines so bright in the sky welcomes spring. The sun now has it's own playlist. New and old jams. Upbeat tempos just like the radiance of the sun.

Press play:

CJLO Mix Tape Club - Spring Fever!

Remember the freedom you felt as a kid when you could finally dump those heavy winter boots and parkas and run around the neighbourhood wearing just your kicks and a 5$ bill in your pocket? You could buy so much candy for 5 bucks back then. CJLO is here to bring back that feeling and get you ready for this awesome sunny weather we've been having.

The theme for this round of the CJLO Mix Tape Club is Spring Fever! Sunny tunes to enhance your mood and get you pumped to go outside.

Tonight @ 6pm on Champions of the Local Scene- Rap Battle 4 Gender Freedom w/ Lucas Charlie Rose

Tonight at 6pm on Champions of the Local Scene- we preview Rap Battle 4 Gender Freedom, happening this Saturday at Reggie's (1455 de Maisonneuve W.). Lucas Charlie Rose, a QTPOC multidisciplinary Hip Hop artist who is very active in the trans and anti-racist activist scenes, will come by to tell us more about the event (which is the 5th in a series of Rap Battles for Social Justice.) 
