FRINGE 2016: The McSorley & Chung Magic Hour

The mark of a good magic show is wondering to yourself how on earth these tricks were done.

My uncle used to do magic tricks for my sister and I when I was younger. I remember truly believing it was magic when I was a kid. And then as I grew up, I started learning how some of them were done. I would watch really closely and try to figure out how to recreate them. I'm not claiming to be an expert by any means and I'm certainly no magician myself.

But I will say this about McSorley and Chung: I have no idea how they performed most of the tricks in their show.

FRINGE 2016: Bedrock Burlesque

Revisiting nostalgia at its finest with an all-grown-up lens 

By Danilo Bulatovic

Although The Flintstones were admittedly well before my time, there was something intangible about the “first animated prime time television series in America” that resonated with me since childhood. As a show concept it’s so wacky, that it could only be conceived with no predecessors. 

FRINGE 2016: Atomic City is The Bomb!

Directed by Sara Rodriguez and starring the talented Jeff Gandell and Mariana Vial, Atomic City is an explosive romantic dramady (that's drama and comedy, folks) set in 1944 and is performed in the intimate confines of the OFF B: Freestanding Room. 

FRINGE 2016: Caravonica

It's so easy to be turned off by the word clown. Just imagining it can carry collective emotions of childhood fears and whatnot. But there's no need to fear Caravonica.

In fact, I don't think it's possible to be afraid of someone so hilarious, creative and talented. Of all of the theatre and various other performance art I've seen, nothing I've encountered can quite compare to the weird brainchild that Caravonica crafted. Saying it was unique, captivating, and incredibly silly barely scratched the surface of how much fun this show was.


Join us tonight as CJLO - 1690AM's Impossible Music proudly co-presents Tentacules.12. Come watch them live at La Sala Rossa, today @ 8:37pm!

TENTACULES. 12, featuring the works of James O'Callaghan, YlangYlang, Sarah Albu, William Payette, Choros, Schoen-Vanderveken, Hazy Montagne Mystique and Guilaume Vallée. You'll get lost in a haze of experimental sound, projects and 3D magic at Sala!

FRINGE 2016: Macumba Digita

They say that Montreal has two seasons - Winter and Construction. I disagree. There's three of them, Winter, Construction, and Festival.

Unfortunately, Construction and Festival occur in a brutal overlap that will make even the most patient traveler explode into loud and colorful expletives while sitting in a sweltering car or back of a traffic-confined bus. 

TODAY @ 9:30PM Damien Dubrovnik / Ligature / Maussade / Demi Mal perform at Casa del Popolo

Come watch Damien Dubrovnik, Ligature, Maussade, Demi Mal and Nausia live at Casa Del Popolo, tonight at 9:30pm! Damien Dubrovnik the Cophenhagen power electronics duo, headline a night of abrasive sonic exploration alongside Christopher Hansell's project Ligature, local harsh noise act Maussude, Demi Mal and Nausia.

TODAY @ 3pm: Yonic Youth interview with FlucT

Tune into Yonic Youth today at 3pm for an incredible interview with talented performance artists Monica Mirabile & Sigrid Lauren from FlucT!


Tune into The Go-Go Radio Magic Show tonight at 6pm when Prince Palu and Oncle Ian will be joined by James Lyng High School music teacher, Nathan Gage, and two of his students, Chad Deer (Damon), aka Real LowKey, and Valeriy Samsonov, aka Valium, to talk about the school's transformation into an urban arts school and the release of Up Next Mixtape #1.
