Dawson teacher under investigation, Homeschooling numbers skyrocket, Virus found in 47 Quebec schools

Reporter: Shanellie Marie

Stores: Luca Caruso Moro



Dawson teacher under investigation

A Dawson College teacher is facing a wave of misconduct allegations.

Winston Sutton is a long time drama teacher at the college. 

At The Movies Goes Fantasia: Week Two

Note: This article was written in tandem by At the Movies co-hosts Remi Caron and Danny Aubry. Remi's section follows, with Danny's starting halfway through... 

Statue of first prime minister toppled, Mural honours nurses, Musk implants pig

Stories: Luca Caruso Moro

Reporter: Shanellie Marie



Statue of first Prime minister toppled 

The statue of Canada's first Prime minister John A MacDonald was pulled to the was pulled to the ground on Saturday. 

At the Movies Goes Fantasia: Week One

Note: This article was written in tandem by At the Movies co-hosts Remi Caron and Danny Aubry. Remi's section follows, with Danny's starting halfway through...

19 year old dies of coronavirus, Mothers head to court, New street check policy for Montreal police

Reporter: Shanellie Marie

Stories: Luca Caruso Moro



19 year old dies of coronavirus


A 19 year-old has died of the Coronavirus. Don Beni Kabangu Nsapu is one of the youngest people to die of the virus in Canada.
