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Apple Co-founder Dies of Cancer at 56

Steve Jobs

Social networks erupted last night when the world found out one of technology's heroes had died. Apple Chairman Steve Jobs lost his battle with pancreatic cancer at 56.

Jobs co-founded Apple from his garage in 1976. The high-tech company has since exploded, shooting to the top as one of the world’s most valuable brands.

He surprised many when he resigned as CEO on August twenty-fourth. Tim Cook has replaced Jobs as Apple’s CEO. 

October 5 2011

Read by Joel Balsam 

Produced by Michael Lemieux 

Stories by Joel Balsam and Sarah Moore

Apple Releases iPhone 4S

apple.caYou can stop holding your breath Apple fans. The iPhone 5 will not be released. Yet.

Apple’s new CEO Tim Cook did unveil a new iPhone. But with the same physical appearance as the current model.

The 4S will be faster, more powerful and have a better camera. It will also come with a brand new operating system that features an instant messaging service similar to Black Berry Messenger.

The new software will be open to iPhone, iPad and iPod touch holders on October 12th.



News October 4th 2011

Produced By Dominique Daoust

Read By Luciana Gravotta

Articles By: Michael Lemieux, Brandon Judd, Niki Mohrdar and Nikita Smith

Quebec Activists Want Safe Injection Site Too

homelessActivists across the country are advocating for safe injection sites after the Supreme Court ruled in favour of allowing it under provincial jurisdiction.

A group of Quebec activists want the government to open a supervised drug injection site in multiple locations throughout the province. 

They hope by doing so they will stop the spread of disease caused by used needles.

Nobel Laureate Dies

Dr. Ralph Steinman of Rockefeller University speaks during a news conference in Albany, N.Y., April 24, 2009. (AP / Mike Groll)

One of the winners of this year’s Nobel Prize in medicine died Friday.

Dr. Ralph Steinman, a Montreal born scientist, was announced as one of the recipients three days after his death.

The decision comes as a surprise. The Nobel foundation does not give prizes to deceased scientists. However since he died after being chosen for the award, the prize is allowed. 

Daniel Paillé Announces Bloc Leadership Bid

Paillé in 2009Daniel Paillé entered the Bloc Quebecois leadership race last night. The former Parti Quebecois Cabinet Minister won a seat for the Bloc in 2009. But he was unseated this year by a member of the NDP. The 61-year old initially ruled out running for the job. But he changed his mind after party members asked him to reconsider.

Air Canada Apologizes for Racist Memo

Air Canada has apologized after a memo stating that crew would no longer use downtown hotels in Winnipeg for layovers was deemed racist.

Aboriginal leader Derek Napinak called out the airline for its negative portrayal of the First Nations community.

Cancer Awareness Group to Use Lennon and Ono’s Bed-in Room

Breast Cancer Montreal will use the room of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s 1969 bed-in for a campaign. They will occupy the room in the Queen Elizabeth hotel Thursday morning.

The group is asking for mandatory labeling of products that can cause cancer. They want warning labels on products with links to cancer like cosmetics and processed foods. They hope to get enough signatures from the public for a petition.

Lennon and Ono famously stayed in the hotel room for seven days to protest the Vietnam war. They recorded “Give Peace a Chance” during their stay.

Occupy Wall Street Comes to Canada

The old Toronto Stock Exchange under the new Ernst & Young Tower Flickr: gingermaddy

Rallies of protest against the global financial system in cities across the United-States have spread to Canada.

October 3rd 2011

Produced By Melissa Mulligan

Read By Sarah Deshaies

Articles By: Joel Balsam, Esther Viragh, Audrey Folliot

ASFA By-Election Campaign Gets Started

asfa.caThe Arts and Science Federation of Associations (ASFA) by-election campaign kicks off today. Candidates will be trying to convince voters for the next week and a half that they are right for the job.  

The VP Communications and Promotions position remains open as no one ran for the position last year. But Katie Brioux, Alexis Suzuki and Laura Robbins will be vying for the job this time.

Balancing The Body And The Mind

Slackline Montreal had an open house on Saturday. It ran from one in the afternoon to the early hours of the following morning. For those unfamiliar with the activity, the event proved to be the perfect opportunity to go and find out. Our reporter, Esther Viragh was there.

Walking The World

Jean BeliveauJean Béliveau has finally reached Ottawa this weekend after walking around the world for almost eleven years.The fifty-six-year old Quebecer has walked across six continents and more than sixty-four countries. In total, he has walked for more than seventy-five thousand kilometres during those years.

Futurs bus

STM 30-808 @ Arena Howie Morenz Flickr: kellergraham

Le futur bus de Montréal aurait 5 portes en accordéon, la priorité aux intersections et le temps d’attente indiqué aux arrêts !

Une réunion sur les transports en commun a lieu cette semaine aux Entretiens Jacques Cartier à Montréal. La directrice de l’Institut français des sciences et technologies de transports, Nadine Mordant présentera le projet.

Real Time Twitter Moods

twitter Flickr: xotoko

It isn’t surprising to find happier tweets on weekends than on working days.

Researchers have been delving into people's moods expressed through Twitter and other social networks to detect positive and negative moods throughout days and seasons.

Wheelchair Accessibility in the Metro

People with limited mobility are speaking out against Montreal's public transit system. They are protesting how long it is taking for the metro to become wheelchair accessible.

The STM stated several years ago that they would be building elevators in 3 metro stations per year, but recently they have only been able to adde one new elevator annually.

Out of 67 metro stations, only 7 stations are wheelchair accessible, all of which are on the orange line.

September 29, 2011

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Read by: Judy-Ann Mitchell

Stories by: Joel Balsam

Dominique Daoust, and 

Cynthia Othieno

Man Arrested for Allegedly Planning Attack on Pentagon, White House

Pentagon Flickr: gregwest98

A man accused of trying to organize an attack against the Pentagon and the White House in Washington D.C. was arrested Wednesday in Boston.

26 year-old Rezwan Ferdaus allegedly planned to fly remote-controlled planes with bombs on them into the two buildings. He is also charged with trying to supply material to al-Qaeda and aiding attacks on U.S. military personnel.

U.S. Department of Justice authorities say an eight month undercover operation is what led them to the arrest.

Killer Cantaloupes

cantaloupe. Flickr: eatwell.inCantaloupes infested with listeria have sparked the deadliest U.S. food-borne disease outbreak in over a decade. Thirteen people have died and seventy-two have fallen ill after eating cantaloupes from Jensen Farms. 

Student Representation at Board of Governors Diminished

Undergraduate student Alex Matak stands up during meeting to oppose BoG decision to limit student representation.The Concordia University Board of Governors voted in favour of the By-Law changes proposed by the Ad Hoc Governance Review Committee and the amendments made by the joint Board/Senate committee during a meeting this morning. The final vote count was 27 in favour and seven opposed.  

September 28, 2011

Read by Emily Brass

Produced by Michael Lemieux and Nikita Smith

Stories by Joel Balsam, Aisha Samu, Wallis Millar-Blanchaer, Lindsay Briscoe and Isabella Giancotta

Trial for Michael Jackson's Doctor Begins

michael jackson Flickr: cvrcak1Michael Jackson’s voice rang through a Los Angeles courtroom Tuesday.

Prosecutors used this recording to begin their case against Mr. Jackson’s Doctor Conrad Murray for involuntary manslaughter.

He is accused of being neglectful and inept in dealing with Mr. Jackson’s fragile condition.

CSU Says No to Faubourg Student Centre

The CSU gave a resounding 'NO' to plans for the faubourg.

The student union voted down a potential student centre at a special council meeting Tuesday night.

Concordia University may still pursue the plan.

Students have already contributed millions to a future student centre with nothing to show for it.

The CSU promised to fight for a fair deal on the student centre during last year's election.

Shakespeare Goes Multi-lingual

William Shakespeare Flickr: tonynetoneThe Globe to Globe festival in London, England will have a new and ambitious twist on Shakespeare this spring.  

It’ll feature six weeks of Shakespearean plays in thirty-seven different languages, including British Sign Language, Arabic and American hip-hop.

Festival director Tom Bird hopes that even if the audience doesn’t speak the language, they will still appreciate the beauty of it.
