
The CJLO news team brings you the hottest stories in the city! Catch the latest news segments and articles here or view the complete list.

Pierrefonds man complains about neighbour Locapro's noise

ショベルカーA man living in Pierrefonds has no complaints about the area he lives in other than the neighbours across the street. The reason is that he lives across from Locapro Inc., a local company that rents out heavy machinery.

Borough bylaws state that no noise should be made before 7 am, but the man says Locapro isn’t following these laws, and he has videos to prove it.

Vancouver Riots: Could take up to 2 years before charges are made

_MG_1031Charges for the Vancouver riots will not be made until 2013.

According to Vancouver police, more than 15,000 criminal acts were committed after investigators looked through 5,000 hours of footage.

Between 500 to 700 people could be charged by the time the enquiry is completed.

Police say they want to make sure the maximum charges are made, which is the reason the 2 year delay.

Occupy Wall Street reaches one month birthday

Occupy Wall Street turns one month old today. It has taken the world by force, driving other cities worldwide to protest, including Montreal.

On Sunday, Square Victoria looked nothing like it used to. Tents sprawled everywhere, a makeshift kitchen, a children’s area and even a media center were installed.

October 17th 2011

Produced By Melissa Mulligan

Read By Joel Balsam

Stories By Gregory Wilson, Audrey Folliot, Joel Balsam and Sofia Gay

Raising awareness one step at a time

Phillips Square, in downtown Montreal, was crowded on Sunday morning. It was the starting point for this year’s Montreal Walks for mental health with Margaret Trudeau as one of its honorary chairs. Esther Viragh reports. 

The event united those struck by a mental illness and those who were there to offer their support. The 5 km walk was in its third consecutive year. Its aim was to sensitize the public and to raise awareness on mental health issues. Margaret Trudeau has been part of the event from the beginning.

The end of a journey

Béliveau almost in MontrealJean Béliveau finally came home to his wife Luce yesterday morning in Montreal after walking around the world for 11 years.

The 56 year-old Quebec globetrotter had invited people to join him for the last few kilometers as he crossed the Lachapelle Bridge into the city. A reception had been organized in his honor at the official end point of his walk at Place Jacques Cartier.

Liste des 477 prisonniers palestiniens

La liste des 477 prisonniers Palestiniens libérés en échange du soldat Israélien Gilad Shalit a été publiée dimanche.

Les prisonniers dont 450 hommes et 27 femmes, devraient être libérés mardi. Parmi les prisonniers sur la liste se trouvent :

Ahlam Tamimi, connue pour avoir participer au choix du lieu de plusieurs attentats suicides et pour y avoir acheminé des kamikazes. Elle a été condamnée 16 fois à la prison à vie.

Mohammed al Sharatha, arrêté pour l'enlèvement de deux militaires israéliens en 1989. Il a été condamné deux fois à perpétuité et une fois à 30 ans de réclusion.

Don Cherry apologizes for rant

2008-12-15 Don CherryA week after his rant on Coach’s Corner, Don Cherry is apologizing to the insulted hockey players. Stu Grimson, Chris Nilan and Jim Thomson are the offended ex-players. 

QPIRG Lounge Speakers Series talks Occupy Montreal demonstrations

The Occupy movement loomed over QPIRG’s latest edition of its Lounge Speakers series.

On hand were community and public affairs professor Anna Kruzynski, Concordia Student Union president Lex Gill, and activist Jaggi Singh.

Doctor Kruzynski made a case for the empowering nature of grassroots action. 

"When you participate int hese street actions often times you end up feeling a sense of power which is very important when you a break with these feelings that things are too large to change

ASFA by-election results in

The Arts and Science Federation of Associations now has a full team of executives. Paul Jeajian will take over the VP External and Sustainability position. While Alexis Suzuki will be the VP Communications and Promotions.

Filling the vacant independent councilor position was Yasmeen Zahar.

The two by-law reform questions were also passed. 

Shriners big future

Shriners has recently revealed that they will have a new hospital built in Montreal sometime in the near future.

The entire project which adds up approximately $127 million will all be paid by the Shriners.

It will be twice the size of the current hospital and will consist of twenty-two single patient rooms.

Former Shriners patients have stated that the new hospital will shed light on the future of families.

Construction of the hospital will commence in spring 2013 and it will officially open in summer 2015.

News, October 14th, 2011

Read by Joshua Nemeroff

Produced by Erica Bridgeman

Segment by Shaun Malley

Stories written by Shaun Malley, Tara Brockwell and Joshua Nemeroff

Concrete chunk on the brink of collapse from downtown building

Montreal infrastructure continues its downward decline.  Firemen created a roadblock downtown on University between Cathcart and Palace Streets.  A chunk of concrete appears to be at risk of falling from the 10th floor of a commercial highrise.

A window washer has since reported noticing more loose concrete blocks on the seventh and eight floor of that building.  It is unclear when the high rise was last inspected.    

It could be days before the security perimeter is lifted.


Postal union fights back

Locked outCanada’s postal workers are once again fighting for their rights. The Canadian Union of Postal Workers is taking the Harper government to court over controversial back-to-work legislation that snuffed out a series of strikes in June.

Union president Denis Lemelin calls the federal government’s actions unjust.  He says the union’s legal action is necessary in order to protect workers' rights to free collective bargaining.

Robin "Cartoongal" Fisher

Name: Robin Fisher

What is your DJ alias? & what are its origins?: Cartoongal.  My show is about the graphic arts, cartoons are a graphic art. The main mandate of my show is to make the graphic arts accessible to all people.  I like to say, "let me be your guide, let me be your cartoongal." (You know, like your gal Friday.)

Show: The Onomatopoeia Show

Genre: "All graphic arts, all the time."  Talk radio with music.

October 13, 2011

Read by: Sofia Gay

Stories by: Joel Balsam, Dominique Daoust, Shaun Malley and Brandon Judd

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Blackberry service disruption reaches Canada

BlackBerry Bold 9780Research in Motion CEO Mike Lazaridis announced service on the Blackberry network had been restored worldwide on Thursday. Blackberry users across Canada had been grinding their teeth in frustration on Wednesday after a network failure in Europe early in the week led to a worldwide Blackberry service disruption. An unknown number of Canadians were left without access to their messaging service and to internet on their smartphones.

Mutassim Gaddafi reportedly captured

Secretary Clinton Meets With Libyan National Security AdvisorPolice arrested Muammar Gaddafi’s son Mutassim in Libya yesterday. 

He was detained in Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte. 

Libya’s National Transitional Council said they are holding him in Benghazi.  

Fighters in Sirte reportedly celebrated the news of his arrest.

Felix Von Geyer speaks for rights

The Concordia chapter of journalists for human rights hosted its second Speak4Rights event this Tuesday. It featured Felix von Geyer, a Concordia professor and sustainable development journalist. Luciana Gravotta reports.

Felix von Geyer attracted an audience of around 50 people that packed the small upstairs room of the Bishop street Burritoville.

With a Socratic flair, Von Geyer’s talk encouraged the audience not just to listen but to think.

No conflict, no controversy, as CSU Council passes all motions at meeting

No controversy this time at Concordia’s second Student Council meeting of the year.

All the by-law reforms proposed were passed. And students at large were elected to standing committees.

Wednesday’s meeting featured a presentation by a member of Concordia’s Centre for Gender Advocacy, which earned support for the creation of an official CSU policy on gender equity. A directory for those affected by sexual assault will also be composed.

Concordia Mob Squad takes aim at Quebec government

Chad Walcott leads CSU-Backed Mob Squad action at ConcordiaThe battle over university tuition fees is heating up just two months ahead of the provincial annual budget announcement. Students from Concordia University protested outside the Ministry of Education on Thursday.

Air Canada strike cancelled

Air Canada - Embraer 170The union representing nearly seven thousand Air Canada flight attendants says it has cancelled its planned strike for Thursday. The Canada Industrial Relations Board said employees have to remain on the job while the contract dispute is being reviewed.

Prisoner swap sparks celebrations

The family of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit rejoiced news that he’ll return home. Shalit spent 5 years as a prisoner of war. He was captured when he was 19.

People in Gaza City also celebrated the news. The release is part of a prisoner swap between Israel and Palestine. Over a thousand Palestinians will also be freed.

The agreement was reached after an intense week of talks. Hamas leader Khaled Mashal called it a victory.

October 12, 2011

Read by Emily Brass

Produced by Nikita Smith

Stories by Lindsay Briscoe, Alexa Fay, Emily Brass, Sarah Moore, and Amrit Sanger

U.S. blames Iran for domestic terror plot

Adel Al-JubeirAlready hostile U.S.-Iranian relations took a turn for the worst when Washington publicly accused the Iranian government of backing a terrorist plot to kill Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Washington.    
