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March 9, 2012

Read by Joshua Nemeroff

Produced by Erica Bridgeman

Stories written by Erica Bridgeman, Tara Brockwell and Danny Aubry.

The U.S. Senate snubs Keystone XL pipleline proposal

DSCN0878The U.S. Senate was four votes shy of approving an amendment that would give the Keystone XL pipeline the go ahead.

Rare solar storm hits Earth

One of the most powerful solar storms in years left its mark on Earth on Thursday morning.

According to the Globe and Mail there has been no evidence of problems with power grids and satellites thus far.

A scientist from the NOAA forecast center stated that a solar storms potential to interfere with technology cannot be ignored.

It has the potential to interfere with Earth technology through magnetic, radio and radiation waves.

March 8th, 2012

Read by: Katie McGroarty

Stories by: Esther Viragh, Luciana Gravotta, Dominique Daoust and Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Apple reveals new IPad

iPad in Hawaii

Apple's new IPad has finally been revealed.

According to the BBC, Apple announced on Wednesday the release of their third IPad which Cheif Executive Tim Cook called redefining the category the company created.

Strike declared at Concordia

Concordia undergrads are going on strike. A two-thirds majority has made it official. Students attended the CSU’s general assembly on Wednesday afternoon.

VP Chad Walcott announced the results in the Hall Building at the downtown campus. The reaction of the crowd was overwhelming.

“The results for our mandate. Votes in favour: 1152. Votes against: 557. Congratulations Concordia, you just made history.”

Harper agrees to give Elections boss more power

DSC_0124 Prime Minister Stephen HarperThe Conservative Party has changed its mind on a decision to grant more investigative power to Elections Canada.

According to the National Post, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced to the House of Commons that his party will be supporting the bill put forth by the NDP.

The motion would give Canada’s chief electoral officer the power to verify a party’s election expenses.

Four injured in protest against tuition hikes

Four people were injured at the tuition hike protest that took place yesterday in downtown Montreal. According to the Canadian Press, police fired tear gas and arrested several protestors. Some students were tackled before being arrested.

Police officers with shields put up a human wall to hold back the crowd after protestors toppled the metal barrier on Sherbrooke Street.

Police also forced students out of the Loto-Quebec building. The building is home to the organization that represents university rectors.

A video with an important message


March 07, 2012

Read by: Greg Wilson

Stories by: Aisha Samu, Michael Lemieux, Alyssa Tremblay, Joel Ashak and William D. Pelletier

Produced by: Jamie-Lee Gordon

Iran allows UN to inspect nuclear military site

The pressure put on Iran over their potential nuclear weapons seems to be paying off for the United Stated.

According to the CBC, Tehran has decided to allow the UN to inspect one of its main nuclear facilities suspected of secret atomic work.

The inspection of the military complex Parchin was a key request of the chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency Yukiya Amano.

RBC settles with Earl Jones victims

RBCAccording to CTV Montreal, RBC has settled a multi-million dollar class action lawsuit out of court.

The bank settled to the tune of $17 million with the victims of Earl Jones. Jones was a deceitful financial advisor who conned millions of dollars out of his clients. He ran a classic Ponzi scheme for years before being discovered and arrested three years ago. 

Five hackers from Anonymous and LulzSec groups arrested

Anonymous Scientology Protest According to the National Post, Five members of the Anonymous group have been arrested for allegedly partaking in a computer hacking conspiracy.

A U.S. law enforcement official added that one of the five charged members has already pleaded guilty.

Fox News has a released a statement saying that two of these men were British, two were from Ireland and the last one was an American.

Updated: PSSA will honour strike mandate

Of the six student associations and organizations who held a General Assembly last week to vote on a five day extendable strike against the Quebec government’s proposed tuition hikes, the Political Science Student Association has had the most confusion regarding a strike mandate. 

At this point, the PSSA will technically be on strike, but its executive along with the CSU recommend that students go to their classes until another GA takes place. 

Israel has the right to defend itself, says Benjamin Netanyahu

PM Benjamin NetanyahuIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Israel has the right to defend itself according to a report by Al-Jazeera.

Netanyahu was addressing the powerful pro-Israel lobbying group American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington Monday.

New bylaw to make terrasses wheelchair accessible

AccessiblePeople with reduced mobility will finally be able to use terrasses in the Plateau.

According to CTV, the borough passes a bylaw requiring terrasses to be wheelchair accessible.

The new law comes after a complaint made to the Human Rights Commission in 2009.

People with disabilities and visual impairment were upset that they could not get around Mont Royal Ave. easily.

Conservatives refuse to release phone records



The Conservatives are refusing to release phone records of calls made during the last federal election

According to the Globe and Mail, the Conservatives feel that there is no reason to release their own records. Instead, Conservatives want the Liberals to release their records of all calls made during the 2011 federal election.

Canada shuts down embassy in Syria

Manifestazione sirianaCanada has closed its embassy in Syria amid security concerns.

According to the Montreal Gazette, all of the diplomats have already left the embassy located in Damascus.

March 6th, 2012

Read by: Aisha Samu

Stories by: Nikita Smith, Aisha Samu and Tara Brockwell

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Limbaugh gets more than a slap on the wrist for 'slut' remarks

Rush Limbaugh’s radio show lost nine sponsors over his name-calling of a woman lobbying for greater access to birth control.

According to the BBC Limbaugh called law student Sandra Fluke on-air a slut and a prostitute for testifying before Democrats that employers offering health insurance should cover contraception.

Since companies including AOL have pulled their advertisements from Limbaugh’s right-wing radio show that reaches fifteen million viewers a week.

Schwartz's gets new owners

Schwartz'sSchwartz's Deli has new owners.

In a report by CTV, the famous Montreal restaurant has been sold to a group which includes Celine Dion, her husband Rene Angelil, as well as the Nakis family.

While the sale price has not been disclosed, rumours put it at $10 million.

Student unions unite

Student groups are coming together to increase pressure on the government to halt tuition increases.
On Sunday afternoon, the Coalition large de l'association pour une solidarite syndicale (CLASSE) announced that
they would be joining forces with other lobby groups at a big demonstration in Montreal on March 22.
CLASSE spokesperson Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois:

March 5th 2012

Produced By Melissa Mulligan

Read By Sarah Deshaies

Stories By Sarah Deshaies, Gregory Wilson, Esther Viragh and Daniel J. Rowe

U.S. will use force against Iran if necessary


President Barack Obama said the United States would prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. 

According to the CBC, he said it would not hesitate to use force in order to do so. 

This could trigger an arms race in the region. Obama said such an attack would only be done if necessary. 
