
The CJLO news team brings you the hottest stories in the city! Catch the latest news segments and articles here or view the complete list.

French Killer Killed by Police

The individual involved in the French killing spree was shot and killed by the police during a raid on Thursday.

According to CTV News the killer was responsible for the deaths of three paratroopers, three Jewish children, and a Rabbi.

The killer claimed that he killed those seven people in order to oppose the French army`s involvement in Afghanistan.

He had also claimed to have undertaken military training from Al Qaeda, but this remains uncertain.

What is certain is that he was a French citizen of Algerian descent and had an Islamic background.

B.C. gains more control over local RCMP

RCMP Musical Ride in Courtenay, BC

Ottawa’s decision to give the RCMP control over its spending lead to negotiations with British Columbia about keeping Mounties within the province.

Six months ago, B.C. politicians said they would rid the province of Mounties if Ottawa did not give it more control over local RCMP operations.

They threatened to instate their own police force if their demands were not met.

Thursday is not a day for driving

People are being urged by the Montreal police to avoid driving on Thursday. Demonstrators that are protesting tuition increases are expected to jam the streets. It would be recommended to take public transit in order to get around or to just go by foot.

Even if you don't use your car on Thursday, detours will most likely occur since the route some of the rally organizers have provided might change.

The march comes two days after the provincial budget has confirmed their plan to increase tuition. However, police are optimistic that this march will not have the same end results as the anti-police brutality march.

March 21st 2012

Read by: Greg Wilson

Stories by: Michael Lemieux, Joel Ashak, William D. Pelletier and Sarah Deshaies

Produced by: Jamie-Lee Gordon

Quebec government stands firm on tuition hikes in budget

The Quebec government is moving ahead with tuition increases. The budget for 2012-2013 was released yesterday in Quebec City to the dissapoointment of student representatives.
FEUQ president Martine Desjardins said, "It's very frustrating that the government is not listening to the next generation, that we'll have to pay for every social program."

Concordia Closed

New Concordia building

According to an e-mail sent out to all Concordia students the University will be closed on Thursday March 22nd.

The decision comes due to the choice to use Concordia’s downtown campus as a meeting place for province wide tuition strikes on Thursday. It is expected that over 15000 students will be at Concordia on Thursday before marching towards Place Du Canada.

94 Students fined after blocking access to Champlain Bridge

Pont Champlain Bridge Traffic on the Champlain Bridge in direction to Montreal was blocked Tuesday morning.

Students protesting against tuition hikes were the reason behind the blockage.

They placed a row of cinder blocks blocking access to the entrance ramp connecting Route 132 to the Bridge. There was also around 200 students lined-up across Highway 10.

Students sell Concordia interim president's condo

A group of Concordia students sold president Frederick Lowy’s condo on Tuesday morning.

The fake auction was held as a symbolic gesture to denounce mismanagement of public funds in universities.

In 2011, Concordia had promised Lowy a $1.4 million interest-free loan to keep his condo in Montreal and assure his return as interim president. He was called back to replace former president Judith Woodsworth, who was ousted with a $700,000 severance package.

March 20th, 2012

Read by: Aisha Samu

Stories by: Aisha Samu, Jordie Yeager, Tara Brockwell and Niki Mohrdar

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Students protesters block Champlain bridge

Commuters in the South Shore were in for a surprise when they reached the Champlain bridge early this morning.

About 200 student protesters blocked the Montreal-bound side of the bridge in ongoing pressure tactics against tuition hikes.

According to CTV, cinder blocks were placed across the entrance ramp from Route 132 to the bridge. Surete de Quebec officers were present, monitoring the situation and preventing motorists from getting through.

A breath of life extended to Aveos

The air maintenance firm that suspended its operations secured bankruptcy protection and a multi-million dollar emergency loan.

Aveos left over two thousand employees across Canada locked out yesterday including some eighteen hundred at its Montreal plant.  The company blames its financial woes on its main client Air Canada for subcontracting much of its maintenance work overseas.

Bachand breaks finance minister's tradition

Côte-des-Neiges en fête 2009Raymond Bachand, Quebec’s Minister of Finance, broke the tradition of Quebec finance ministers this Tuesday, by not wearing a new pair of shoes to their taxing ad spending plans. Instead, he wore new laces.

Bachand says he didn’t wear shoes because he doesn’t see the point in spending money on something he doesn’t need. In fact, he refuses to buy new shoes until next year when he hopes to return to a balanced budget.

Quebec student speaks out against strike

PhotobucketA student at the Université de Sherbrooke is taking legal action against strikers who caused him to miss class.

According to CBC, the student, named Philippe-Olivier Daniel, was prevented from going to class because of pressure from student associations he’s not even part of.

Concordia will close its doors this Thursday

Concordia University will be closed this Thursday for security concerns. At least 15 000 students, families and faculty are expected to attend Thursday's provide-wide demonstration against tuition hikes. Demonstrators will begin outside of Concordia's downtown campus and march towards Place du Canada. Mobilization is set to begin at 10:30 am. About 250 000 students are currently on strike across the province.

CSU Elections Interview Series - VP Internal & Clubs

For the final interview series of the 2012/2013 CSU Elections campaign meet Nadine Atallah (A Better Concordia) and Museb Nabil Abu-Thuraia. Listen to the interview with Atallah below. Abu-Thuraia was not available for an interview. Don't forget to vote March 20 and 21.

CSU Elections Interview Series - VP Loyola

In this installment of the CJLO News 2012/2013 CSU Elections interview series, Audrey Folliot discusses ways to make Loyola as important a campus as SGW with A Better Concordia candidate Stefan Faina and Concordia Could Be candidate Jonathan Braziller. Both have great ideas for cultural events that would bring people from both campuses together at Loyola. Listen below:

March 19th 2012

Produced By Melissa Mulligan

Read By Sarah Deshaies

Stories By Daniel J. Rowe, Audrey Folliot, Sofia Gay,  and Gregory Wilson.

London, Ontario St. Pats riot

A mob of drunken students celebrating St. Patrick’s Day fuelled a massive street fire in the east end of London, Ontario last Saturday night.

According to the Globe and Mail, the crowd of 1000 people were not only constantly adding fuel to the fire; they were also attacking any officer getting in their way.

Police Constable Krissy Belanger says rioters were throwing bricks, beer bottles and tires to any police officer or firefighter who tried to intercept them.

It was already past 4 am when the crowd finally dispersed.

Teachers and parents join student protestors

Student protests are getting bigger with parents and teachers joining the marches, CBC reports. 

Sunday saw protests in Montreal, Sherbrooke, Quebec City and Alma. The Montreal march started at Parc Lafontaine, ending at the Ministry of Education offices.

On Saturday teachers got together in front of the Ilot Voyageur and had a symbolic ribbon cutting. The half-abandoned building was a project UQAM had to drop because of debt. The government bailed out the university, with five hundred million dollars of taxpayer money.

A CEGEP du Vieux Montreal professor says this shows clear mismanagement of the education system.

Hottest St.Patrick's parade ever!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!The 188’s St. Patrick’s day Parade took place Sunday afternoon in Montreal.

But according to CTV Montreal, this time, the parade took place in the hottest-ever March weather, as the temperature hit a maximum of 22 degrees.

The warmest parade to date was in 2010, when temperature had hit 14 degrees.

CSU Elections Interview Series - VP Finance

These two candidates want the opportunity to handle your money as VP Finance. Stéphanie Beauregard (Concordia Could Be) and Keny Toto (A Better Concordia) want your vote March 20-22 to be the next CSU VP Finance. Listen to interviews below:

News March 16th 2012

Read by Shaun Malley

Produced by Erica Bridgeman

Stories written by Tara Brockwell, Katie McGroarty, Judy-Ann Mitchell Turgeon and Danny Aubry

CSU strikers peaceful outside, menacing within

The Concordia Student Union’s first day of striking was marked by a peaceful march and menacing class interruptions.

Students protested peacefully outside Concordia’s downtown campus as well as in front of Premier Jean Charest’s office.  According to CJAD some lectures inside were marred by a dozen strikers shouting and blowing vuvuzelas.

Just over 1500 members of the CSU voted in favor of a one-week strike against rising tuition rates.  That strike mandate is set to end March 22nd.
