Episode 02031820

Air Date: 
March 2 2018 - 8:00 PM

This episode is no longer available for online streaming because it has expired from our archive.

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kings of leonholy roller novacaine
agnostic mountain gospel choirgo back home
Talk Spot
valerie carter and lyle lovittinto the mystic
the stanley bros.love me darlin' just tonight
asie paytoni love you
Talk Spot
becky and Johni'll be there if you want
aretha franklin/duane allmanit ain't fair
flatt and scruggsdown the road
Talk Spot
the builders and the butchersbringing home the rain
lake street diveyou go down smooth
Talk Spot
waylon jenningslonesome ornry and mean
iggy popasshole blues
Talk Spot
uncle sinnerpoor pilgrim of sorrow

indicates CanCon!