Ghosts of Modern Man Live @ CJLO

The guys from Regina, Saskatchewan’s Ghosts of Modern Man swung by the CJLO studios the afternoon of April 18, 2005 to record a three song session.  Nice guys with huge amps (the bass amp alone was seriously big), we helped them lug their gear up the Loyola staircase since the usual elevator route was blocked off due to exams being held nearby.

We’re kinda used to having to do this sometimes, except this time some dude was sitting at the base of the steps with his laptop plugged into a nearby outlet watching a course lecture on his computer.  Fair enough, but the guy didn’t move at all.  We all had asked him politely to just kinda scoot over and he just shrugged and stayed where he was, making it even more difficult to lug heavy gear while weaving around his noggin. We were kidding with the Ghosts guys that when they load out they should “accidentally” drop one of their amps down the stairs…oops. Hee hee.



Recorded on: 
April 18 2005
Aired on: 
Hooked on Sonics