Pop Montreal: Girls + Nobunny + Papa @ Theater Corona

This was my first time at Corona Theater and Papa, the opening act, were taking the stage. They had two members from Girls and three other band members that played an exuberant, joyful set. The audience was eating up every song they performed as the front man controlled them with his glowing positivity. The mutual feeling of happiness to be in that moment was very apparent, and it put everyone in a good mood to take in what was forthcoming. At the end of Papa's set, the front man gave everyone high fives just for a little extra adrenaline. It felt good to be drenched in San Francisco indie vibes.

As Nobunny prepared for their set, it was instantly apparent that this was going to be a freaky show. This four-piece rock band played songs that drew influences from bands like Ramones and Misfits. They stopped in between songs only so the lead singer could play with his rather creepy bunny mask. He was wearing only briefs and a tiny leather jacket. From time to time he would shock the crowd with a little strip tease while moaning sweet nothings into the microphone. In spite of his mic feeding back into his monitor at points, the lead man would continue throwing himself around the stage, climbing up on amplifiers, blowing his nose and shaking his sweaty body directly into the stage. It was slightly juxtaposed to the rest of the band, who seemed well composed, but having a good time nonetheless. They pulled off their goofy, sexy, aggressive set well, and pumped the audience up even more.

Girls kicked off their set with "Laura", the earnest yet awkward confessional tune that represents so many high school romances. Christopher Owens' voice was distinct and heartbreaking. The music invited the listener to an intimate world full of young love, failure and struggle, similar to the songwriting of Brian Wilson. The song "Vomit" started with a dark Pink Floyd-esque guitar melody that evolved into an epic soundscape with screeching guitar solos and classic rock organ chords. A lot of bands have tried to pull off the early rock and roll sound and failed, but Girls keeps the authenticity in tact with honest lyrics and a tight band. During one song, the audience became so heated that some guy jumped on stage and ran to the other side of the crowd hooting and cheering the band on, when shortly after a young girl did the same chasing after him. Christopher just smiled at how cute the whole happening was and played on. Even though Owens may still be "looking for love," his music is perfect for living in love with someone else (as destructive as that may turn out be... especially if you are Christopher Owens). If you haven't got into Girls yet... now is the time.

-Michael Cota