Comeback Kid + Title Fight @ Foufounes Electriques

To put things into perspective, this was my first time seeing Comeback Kid. Every time they come to town, I'm always kinda interested, but never enough to make seeing them a priority. Finally, everything came together, the stars aligned, and I got my name on the list! On to the show!

I missed openers Counterparts, The Carrier, and the other band whose name I forget (and who weren't listed anywhere) in favour of trying a friend's copy of the new Resident Evil game. Verdict: it's lame. I probably would have been better off catching Counterparts and The Carrier; they both seem like bands that I'd enjoy.

I did, however, get to Foufounes Electriques in time to see the last few songs of Title Fight's set. Verdict: they're lame. Despite the awesomeness of their name, they didn't have any bark or bite. I don't know why they were second-billed; three people were really into 30 seconds of one song – otherwise the crowd was pretty much dead and bored. Only catching the last 3 songs of bad sets is awesome; it's enough to pass judgment but not so much that I have to suffer.

Comeback Kid hit the stage promptly at 9:05pm, delivered a solid, energetic, enthusiastic, no-frills set and were off the stage by 9:55pm. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. The complete lack of bullshit was greatly appreciated. There isn't much to comment on about their set except that they did their job and did it well. It is worth noting how all of the songs from Symptoms + Cures completely smoked all of their older songs (except "Wake The Dead", obviously). In particular, "G.M. Vincent & I" and "Because of All" were two songs that really stood out. They aren't my favourite songs from the album, but they were great live and added a lot to the set. Going back to how this was my first time seeing Comeback Kid: I'm glad it was, since I probably liked this show more than I would have any other show they've done here in the past...

-Johnny Suck hosts Turn Down the Suck on Wednesdays from 9-11pm