Lack of order ends CSU council meeting early


Students refusing to leave for a closed session caused Wednesday night’s CSU council meeting to be adjourned after less than two hours. When the topic of VP Sustainability and Promotions Morgan Pudwell’s recent resignation was reached, councillors voted to go into a closed session. They cited discussing HR issues as their reason. 

But the students in attendance refused to leave, stating they were worried about leaving Pudwell alone. Pudwell said she would not stay if the meeting went into a closed session. 

The chair was unable to keep order as councillors and students resorted to yelling. Tempers reached a peak when councillor Lex Gill said she wouldn’t stay in the room for a closed session. Eventually the chair adjourned the meeting. 

This leaves many issues unaddressed. 

Several councillors speculated that the council meeting was being used as pre-campaigning for the upcoming CSU elections. After the  meeting Pudwell released the statement she was going to make in council. She refers to Monday's protest outside the Link and the removal of two referendum questions as petty personal politics. She also says the letters sent out by the executives and Amine Dabchy did not address the bigger issues.

The CSU executive is meeting Thursday morning to discuss what happens next. 

To hear the full interviews with Joel Suss, Alex Gordon and Aaron Green click below. 

To read Morgan Pudwell's intended statement click here.

To view the entire council meeting click here for CUTV's footage.