Reporter: Shanellie Marie
Stories: Luca Caruso Moro
19 year old dies of coronavirus
A 19 year-old has died of the Coronavirus. Don Beni Kabangu Nsapu is one of the youngest people to die of the virus in Canada.
He will be remembered as an excellent friend, a promising soccer player, and ambitious son to his family and friends.
People under 20 years old now make up 18 per cent of Coronavirus cases..
leading many to worry about the coming weeks, as young people across the world head back to school.
Mothers head to court
Montreal Mothers testified agaisnt the province in court on Friday. They're demanding a safer back to school plan.
According to the case, parents have a charter right to make decisions about their child's safety..
They say Quebec's social distancing rules put their children at risk..
and by requiring children go back to school, the province is violating those rights.
New street check policy for Montreal police
The Montreal police have adopted a new street check policy.
Stop should only be carried out if there is an observable reason to stop someone.
The new guidelines are in response, to a study which found indigenous and black people were 4-5 times more likely to be stopped by the police.
Advocacy groups critcised the move, saying the rules were created without consulation.