Stories by: Luca Caruso Moro
Reporter: Shanellie Marie
Ste-Catherine proposal: pedestrians only
A new proposal from the city could make a huge portion of Ste-Catherine pedestrian only.
Between Papineau and Atwater, the city says cutting the area off to traffic could make more room for arts and festivals.
Summer programming could also continue through COVID restrictions, as pedestrians could spread out into the street to keep distance.
Montreal hits milestone death count from coronavirus
Social distancing is still necessary to flatten the curve of coronavirus.
On Thursday, the city passed 3000 deaths since the start of the outbreak.
Montreal has extended its state of emergency to June 9 after first announcing it on March 27.
MMIWG action plan delayed
A year after the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women published its final report, Ottawa has shelved its vow to take action.
Justin Trudeau announced he would have a plan to address the 231 calls to action by June 2020.
The government said it would not be releasing an action plan due to COVID-19.
Any plan to continue work has not been released.