The first ever Metal March is upon us, and that can mean only one thing... once again, some of CJLO's staple shows have thrown their previous format right out the window and embraced their darkest side. As part of their rebrand and relaunch, these shows have unveiled brand new logos that embody their new sounds.
There's no question that The F Hole has always been the stealthiest metal show on CJLO. Sure, on the surface it might be about classical music, but everyone knows that Wagner was the great grandaddy of everything heavy. Now The F Hole has a logo to match its true form - bleak, Germanic, and as piercing as a dagger.
Phantastiq Cypha might have been a hip hop show once, but like many rappers and producers, it has now embraced the look and feel of heavy metal, and now the transition is complete. The updated Cypha logo reflects it's new hardcore direction. Keep your eyes out for host Doc Holidae, coming soon to a mosh pit near you.
Once a radio show dedicated to feel good rhythms and a sunny, global message, Beat The World has taken its name literally, now that Metal March is upon us, with a message of domination through pummelling blastbeats and hammering guitar riffs. Reigning brutality from shore to shore, BTW brings the war.
Jonny & Cupcakes has transitioned from being a general talk show to becoming CJLO's premier show for all metal news, all the time. Covering all the latest issues, from Ghost's gradual unmasking to the rumoured lineup additions at this year's Heavy Montreal, it's only fitting that their logo gets a little more... pointy in keeping with the rebranding.
Finally, Shibuya Crossing used to be a celebration of the crossroads of Japanese music... now it just celebrates the crossroads, the mythical place where some of music's best are rumoured to have sold their souls to the devil. This new logo, like the new SB, invites the Dark Lord into your eyes, your ears... and your heart.
As fun as this might be, the truth is, these shows are sticking to their format, and that's just fine. After all, you don't fix what's not broken. That said, heavy metal has been showing up in the unlikeliest places on the CJLO schedule in honor of Metal March, and CJLO's metal maniacs will be taking over the airwaves entirely from 10 pm Saturday, March 12th to 9am on Sunday, March 13th. Stay up late with us and tune in for hijinks, heavy music and even a few surprises! You also won't want to miss CJLO Heavy Night's return, at Piranha Bar on Wednesday, March 16th! The night will start off with an extended live broadcast of my show, BVST, from the bar, from 7 to 9pm, so tune in or come and hang out with us.