"今年の冬から、さよなら。Farewell, Winter" is a winter survival mix curated by Saturn De Los Angeles, CJLO News team member and host of Shibuya Crossing (Wednesdays 2 PM). "A cornucopia of emotions. Both good, bad, euphoric, anger, disappointment, joy, anticipation and lots of deep meditation."
Since words nor hand-drawn illustrations cannot suffice, this mix is in a way a personal (and totally watered down) window of how I not only feel about this year's roller coaster of a Winter season, but how this time of year has become a turning point in my own personal journey - just a few months long after I had just set foot in Japan, and at a moment's notice, back home where I am.
Goes to show how fragile life can be and how fragile we can all be emotionally with a simple drop of a snowflake, or a million of those at the very least.
This is my first time making a mix tape since I was a kid. Regardless of the language this is in, I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I had put it together.
お楽しみ下さい。(Please enjoy!)
Press play:
今年の冬から、さよなら。Farewell, Winter. from satyyy on 8tracks Radio.
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