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News June 14th 2010

Read and produced by Lachlan Fletcher.

Stories written by Chris Hanna and Sarah Deshaies.

New Media and Politics - Tuesday news!

Every day more proof rolls in like the tide of BP's malfeasance in the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Not just their unwillingness to give accurate assessments of how much oil is spewing into the Gulf, or their desire to prevent the press from showing the true picture of the extent of the mess and take photographs that break people's hearts, but criminal negligence and stupidity which led directly to the catastrophe.

Canadian News Update - New Media and politics

So word came out yesterday that Afghanistan is loaded with mineral riches. A trillion dollars worth or more. Now the US has spent 250 billion dollars in a war over there so far, so that means the return on their investment won't be fabulous but it does maybe explain why they'd fight for years and years in a vast ungovernable hellhole of a country famous for being the graveyard of empires. There's a pretty good chance that this was known to American intelligence some time ago.

New Media and Politics - Weekend News Roundup

Text here


 Usually I like to intro any video I post but I thought this spoke rather eloquently for itself.

News June 11th 2010

News Produced by Drew Pascoe, read by Erica Fisher


Stories by Alina Gotcherian, Jose Espinoza, Jonathan Moore, Corentine Rivoire

New Media and Politics - Canadian Roundup

The Canadian Political landscape is a lot more restive than it ordinarily is at this time of year. Maybe it's because three months of the year disappeared down a prorogue hole or maybe it's because the Tories are busily trying to cram their agenda down the throats of parliament just before the break and Canadians are taking notice or perhaps wanton spending on the upcoming summits have made Canadians suspicious of a government that claims it is fiscally conservative. Whatever the reason, things are in a state of flux it would seem.


New Media and Politics - News Roundup

Was under the weather and couldn't make it in for the show but will be there Friday morning. In the meantime here's a whole bunch of links to the war news and the continuously gushing spill in the Gulf.

Since everyone seems to give the overseas wars short shrift, I start there.


Politically Canuck - New Media and Politics

Been busying myself with posts on single issues of late and kind of enjoying it. It's not really how my radio show works so it seems odd sometimes and I feel as if I may be short-shrifting the readers who show up looking for the day's wrap on Canadian politics. There's really not that much news out of Ottawa at this time of year (or there shouldn't be) as the silly season in Canadian politics is set to swing into high gear so we'll do our best.


News June 9th 2010

Read and produced by Lachlan Fletcher.

Stories by Jonathan Moore and Gareth Sloan.

Stephen Harper: Control Freak - New Media and Politics

With our PM there's never any shortage of adjectives to hurl his way. He makes it easy, heck he even inspired us at NMPCanada to create two new ones just for him: assalogue and sanctihole. Today however, we're going to stick to words that are already in the English dictionary.


The Psychology of Denialists - New Media and Politics

From Debora MacKenzie at New Scientist comes an article on the psychology of denialists. It's illuminating and helps to explain how we can be in the middle of a crisis - Global Warming - and the concrete steps necessary to mitigate this imminent disaster are for the most part not being taken.

Learning Curves - New Media and Politics

I probably pick on Iggy too much, but it's only because I like him. Not as leader of the Liberal Party per say, but as a person. I've seen him up close, followed what he has too say and it's pretty obvious he's a decent and caring human being. Which does not necessarily make him the best candidate to be a party leader - in fact quite the opposite. He would be better suited, it often seems to me, to be the policy wonk behind the scenes doing policy grunt work. Or, as I've said before, he should be the guy behind the guy, and not the guy.

New Media and Politics - Gulf News

Been trying not to make all my posts about the disaster in the Gulf of late. It's playing out long, slowly and painfully. We made pretty good calls here based on common sense and decent internet sources. The first being that there was no way the rate of flow was anything like only 5,000 barrel a day.

News June 7th 2010

Read and produced by Nicholas Fiscina.

Stories written by Chris Hanna, Sarah Deshaies and Jose Espinoza.

New Media and Politics - Canadian News Edition

We're on the cusp of the Canadian political silly season - that magical time of year when not very much happens in Canadian politics and this year Canadian politicians will take a long break from a short period of governing after a taking a long break (the prorogue) from governing.



A Weekend's Roundup! - New Media and Politics

There's nothing like taking a couple of days off to help you fall behind!


I'm going to start with the story that actually kept me from blogging Friday and Saturday: I checked in late and the first story the blogosphere brought to my attention was this ghastly story out of Arizona courtesy of Wonkette:


News June 4th 2010

News Produced by Drew Pascoe and read by Erica Fisher


Stories writtne by Corentine Rivoire, Jose Espinoza, Jonathan Moore, Alina Gotcherian

New Media and Politics - Easy To Be Complacent


On a slow-news Thursday in Canada, you might be inclined to skip the headlines and let it all slide. After all you're busy. There's a weekend to plan for... hell, there's a whole summer to plan for! Surely you take can a couple of days off from paying attention and let things take care of themselves.


New Media and Politics -- Thursday News Roundup!


Starting to feel like there's nothing going on in the world except that disaster in the Gulf sometimes, but the crimes are so egregious and the people behind them so shameless.


New Media and Politics - How Did We Get Here?

No, that's not a headline for a post on evolution but rather a question about how did the spill in the Gulf come to pass? How is it that oil companies could be self-regulating? All MSM spin aside, who really is responsible for the volcano in the Gulf otther than BP, Transocean and Haliburton? Rebecca Lefton of the Center for American Progress has the answer, and it ain't Obama.
