
The CJLO news team brings you the hottest stories in the city! Catch the latest news segments and articles here or view the complete list.

Grand Prix weekend marred by protests and increased police presence

F1 Grand Prix Weekend in MontréalGrand Prix weekend was marred with more student protests and increased police presence downtown.

In what police were calling “preventative measures,” thirty-six arrests were made at various metro stations across the island.

Of the thirty six, twenty eight people were eventually released.

Alberta oil spill under control

Oil_Spill_Control_015Officials say they are well talking care of the oil that spewed in an Alberta river and lake earlier this week, according to the CBC.

The oil came from a ruptured pipeline which was luckily not flowing at the time of the release, which means only a low volume was let out.

Former Egyptian President in bad health

Mubarak's signature Security officials say that the former president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak has been slipping in and out of consciousness eight days after he was transferred to a hospital from the Cario prison. Mubarak was serving his life sentence.

Numerous protests on opening night of Grand Prix fest

#Montreal #students Protest !! DowntownHundreds of protestors spilled out into downtown streets on Thursday evening on the opening night of Grand Prix festivities.

In a report by the CBC, police used stun grenades to keep the protestors from confronting the Formula One parties. These zones include the street parties on Crescent and Peel streets and the Formula One gala in St. Henri.

Police raids on eve of Grand Prix

IMG_0429Montreal police conducted an early morning raid on Thursday resulting in numerous arrests.

The arrests included Quebec Solidaire MNA Amir Khadir’s daughter. In a report by the Montreal Gazette, nineteen year old Yalda Machouf-Khadir was arrested at the family home at 6am.

She was wanted along with ten other people arrested on Thursday in connection with the vandalism of the riding office of Line Beauchamp on April twelfth. 

More white powder filled packages mailed

More packages containing a white powder arrived to media and political offices on Thursday.

Montreal Police confirmed with CTV News that 12 new envelopes arrived at media and political offices in a half dozen Quebec cities including the offices of Premier Charest. The powder in each case was considered not dangerous.

The notes provided with certain packages were signed by a group calling itself the Armed Revolutionary Forces of Quebec.

Magnotta's possible connection to L.A body parts murder

Los Angeles police contacted Montreal police regarding Luka Rocco Magnotta`s possible connection with the Hollywood Hills body parts murder.

According to CBC News, L.A Times indicated a California Law enforcement which denies Magnotta`s connection to the murder.

The severed feet, hands and head of the victim were discovered in Bronson Canyon Park in January.

The victim was identified as Hervey Medellin, who was a sixty-six year old retired Mexicana Airlines employee.

June 6th, 2012

Read by: Sarah Deshaies

Stories by: Sarah Deshaies and Alyssa Tremblay

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Republican governor survives recall

Reclaim WisconsinWisconsin’s Republican governor survived a recall vote brought on by union leaders and public sector workers.

According to the BBC Republican Governor Scott Walker defeated Democratic challenger Tom Barrett by a margin of seven per cent.  He is the first elected governor to survive a recall vote in U.S history.

June 4th, 2012

Read by: Aisha Samu

Stories by: Audrey Folliot, Niki Mohrdar, Carlo Spiridigliozzi and Aisha Samu

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Gunman turns himself in

Toronto police have a man in custody less than two days after a shooting occurred in Toronto's Eaton Centre's food court on Saturday.

According to the globe and mail, the man turned himself in early Monday morning. He escaped the scene despite the presence of many bystanders and police officers.

Police said on Sunday that numerous security cameras around the crime scene captured images of the suspect.

Tour de l'Ile attracts thousands

IMG_4553Over 25 000 people cycled through the streets of Montreal Sunday in the 28th annual Tour de l'Ile.

The event started at Jeanne-Mance Park and stretched over 50 kilometres.

The sunny weather made it a perfect day for families and cycling enthusiasts.

Magnotta spotted in Paris

Luka-Rocco-Magnotta-via-AFP-397x345The suspect in the dismembering case that’s shocking people worldwide may have been spotted in a Paris district over the weekend.

Luka Rocco Magnotta, twenty-nine years old, is at the center of a global manhunt for the murder and dismemberment of Jun Lin, an international exchange student at Concordia.

Negotiations hit an impasse

Negotiations between student union leaders and the provincial Liberals are at a standstill.

In a report by the CBC, the government pulled out of negotiations session on Thursday afternoon after both appear to have hit an impasse.

FEUQ president Martine Desjardins said the government didn’t fully evaluate the students’ proposal and was sticking to its proposal. The Liberals offered to lower tuition hikes from two-hundred fifty four dollars to two hundred nineteen dollars a year over seven years.

State of emergency in Egypt has expired

Maspiro ProtestA state of emergency in place in Egypt with interruption has expired.

In a report by the BBC, the state of emergency was put in place when then President Anwar Sadat was assassinated in 1981.

The terms under the state of emergency included the right to detain people indefinitely without charge, prohibit protests and censor the media.

Proposed ban on oversized soft drinks

Coca-Cola 125 Anos 2L e 2,5L Serie de outubro 2011 BrasilNew York City has proposed a ban on the sale of oversized soft drinks.

According to CTV News, NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg said the ban would focus on the sale of oversized soft drinks in restaurants, delis and movie theatres.

International search for body parts murderer

The search for Luka Rocco Magnotta, who is the suspect involved in dismembering a victim has become international.

According to CBC News, Montreal police have stated that the search becoming international will make it easier to catch him.

Police believe that Magnotta was romantically involved with the victim who was a man in his thirties.

After the murder the body parts were found in a suitcase near Magnotta`s apartment and sent through mail.

May 30th, 2012

Read by: Sarah Deshais

Stories by: Sarah Deshais, Jamie-Lee Gordon, Carlo Spiridigliozzi and Alyssa Tremblay

Produced by: Jamie-Lee Gordon

Human parts in mail from same origin

Two human body parts mailed to different address in Ottawa on Tuesday were from the same point of origin.

According to CBC News the body parts in question were a foot sent to Conservative headquarters and a hand found at a Canada Post terminal.

May 28th, 2012

Read by: Aisha Samu

Stories by: Audrey Folliot, Aisha Samu, Niki Mohrdar and Gregory Wilson

Produced by: Carlo Spiridigliozzi

Talks stall in CP railway negotiations, back-to-work legislation looming

CP 9595 CN 2238 Roberts Bank BC 2006_0422Canadian pacific railway strikers are facing back to work legislation after talks between the union and CP rail broke down Sunday.

According to the CBC, both sides rejected a proposal made by a government-appointed arbitrator after initially accepting the settlement.

Quebec students and government to resume talks

Les étudiants en politique / The student in politicsNegotiations between student leaders and the provincial government will resume Monday, as confirmed by Quebec’s university student federation.

Nightly protests have been flooding the streets for the past thirty three days.

Talks between students and the government broke off a month ago, which is what initiated these protests.

U.N. Security Council meets to discuss Syrian massacre

مجزرة تفتناز Taftanaz Massacre

According to the Montreal Gazette, the U.N. Security Council met on Sunday after their six-week-old plan to cease violence in the Syrian town of Houla failed when at least 108 people were killed.

The Syrian government and rebels are blaming each other for this tragedy.

News May 25th 2012

Read and Produced by Erica Bridgeman

Stories written by Carlo Spiridigliozzi and Danny Aubry

Bankia shares suspended

AlcalaShares in Spanish lender Bankia SA were suspended on Friday.

According to the Globe and Mail, the shares on the Madrid stock exchange were suspended because the bank is expected to ask the government for a rescue bailout.
