
Independent, provocative, now! The CJLO Magazine is the resource for features, reviews, and interviews. Established in 2004, and run by dedicated CJLO volunteers, the magazine covers the latest and best in local and international music, art, theatre, film, festivals, and more!

Devin Townsend Project @ Club Soda

So the Devin Townsend Project was in town on December 1, and I'm sorry to say that if you missed it we are no longer friends. It was way past my bedtime and so I didn't even stay for Animals as Leaders, but you have no excuse. Monday is the new Thursday, after all. In any case, I got what I came for, but now I face a mild dilemma. As the guy who got in trouble a couple months back for overplaying DTP's latest issue Z², it'll be hard for me to write this without it coming off as a love letter, so fuck it. Committing to the form.

Dear Devin Townsend, 

Hevvy Devvy!

Death from Above 1979 @ Metropolis

Presented by Evenko and Blue Skies Turn Black

A decade later, Death from Above 1979 turn it out at Metropolis

I never thought I'd get to experience a bona fide reunion tour while I was still in my twenties, but if it was going to happen for anyone, it would be Death From Above 1979.

What's Happening?

We Just Wanna Have Some Fun, Down At The Rock And Roll Club

After last week's slowdown, get ready to be overwhelmed by what Montreal has to offer this week. Thursday alone is enough to give you a cerebral aneurysm trying to decide what to do. Prince Palu apologizes if there are too many choices, but he wanted to give you as many options as he could.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Skinny Puppy @ Metropolis

Presented by Evenko and Greenland Productions

Photo by Greg Cristman

Allah-Las + Tashaki Miyaki @ Café Campus

Presented by Greenland Productions

"The best soundtrack to the best road trip through the desert I have never taken."

Best Study Locations Near Loyola Campus

Finals are upon us, and for students living and studying primarily at Loyola Campus, it often seems as though downtown gets all the luck in terms of variety of study locales. Luckily for you though, CJLO calls Loyola and NDG it’s home, so we’re here to help you move out of the library and enjoy some of the sights as you hit the books.

Loyola Multi-Faith Chapel

7141 Sherbrooke St. W.

What's Happening?

We Just Wanna Have Some Fun, Down At The Rock And Roll Club

It is a much slower week than last week now that M for Montreal is over, and even though he is battling a wicked cold and in the throes of the end of semester term paper/exam hell, Prince Palu wants you to know that there are still things happening this week. Obviously there are more things happening than this short list, even things that old Palu would recommend, but his Ultra Strength NeoCitran induced haze has left him a shell of his normal self. 


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Run The Jewels - Run The Jewels 2

Mass Appeal Records, 2014

It's a tense time in the world. We are constantly inundated and bombarded by selected news and pop culture controversies with the lines between the two becoming more blurred. It's increasingly hard to tell what's important or to discern when real news descends into just another form of entertainment for those who live to be outraged. Surely, there must be a saviour somewhere in the midst of this chaos, waiting to save us from this madness?

Halifax Pop Explosion 2014

Gus' Pub, A Love Story

Over the last few years, I was told numerous times that I would love the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Former and current residents told me it was my kind of town and I should come out some time for a visit.
