
Independent, provocative, now! The CJLO Magazine is the resource for features, reviews, and interviews. Established in 2004, and run by dedicated CJLO volunteers, the magazine covers the latest and best in local and international music, art, theatre, film, festivals, and more!

STEREOLAB @ Cabaret La Tulipe

By Alex Huynh - Losing My Edge - 03/15/2006

THE SUBWAYS + The Shys @ La Sala Rossa

By Rami Nuseir - Morning Milk and Your Snooze Button - 03/09/2006

TINA DICO @ Petit Campus

By Christie Van der Burg - Black Tongue Radio - 03/06/2006

METRIC + Islands @ Metropolis

By Fraser D. McCallum - F-Train 120 - 03/01/2006

Montreal indie rock crowds can be pretty apathetic sometimes. In my experience, even when they are witnessing the most entertaining of big-name live performances, hipster concertgoers will rarely truly get into the show. This was not the case on March 1st at a sold-out Metropolis where Metric rocked the house. Although not the best sounding or most chatty that I’ve seen the band, Metric were energetic, dedicated and extremely tight, and the audience responded with feverish applause and danced from start to finish.

NADA SURF + Rogue Wave @ Cabaret

By Mike Bresciani - The Lonesome Strangers - 03/10/2006

There’s something so rewarding about seeing a show on a Friday night in Montreal. The week’s gone by and the countless amount work you put into those last five days just reinforces that sense of accomplishment. That is, unless you’re majoring in Communications studies, in which case you’ve probably learned nothing during the last 120 hours. Even so, one would like to think that this show has been in heavy anticipation, especially after spending a week analyzing useless films, discussing abstract art and learning about the deeper meaning behind De Certeau’s idea of “Railway Incarceration”… fun stuff.

BUCKFEST 5: Starbuck & Les Impuissants @ Le Playhouse

By Johnny Suck - Turn Down the Suck - 02/11/2006

Most of the time, the reason why I go to a show is for the music; other times I go to be cool, and every once in a while I go to see a 500-pound man swing a jug of water from his cock ring. The latter was why I made my way over to Le Playhouse on Saturday for Buckfest 5.


By Katie Seline - Wrong Side of the Bed - 02/02/2006
