
Independent, provocative, now! The CJLO Magazine is the resource for features, reviews, and interviews. Established in 2004, and run by dedicated CJLO volunteers, the magazine covers the latest and best in local and international music, art, theatre, film, festivals, and more!

SIA + Har Mar Superstar @ Les Saints

By Abby E. Schachter - The Kids are So-So - 03/04/2008

WINSLOW - Easy Access EP

By Omar Goodness - Hooked On Sonics - 03/01/2008

Mixing a variety of pop punk styles, local punk pop quartet, Winslow have put together a nice batch of catchy hook-driven tunes on their debut six song EP. The lead off track, and the best of the bunch, "Another Stiff in a Jacket," has some great jerky guitar work reminiscent of early ‘90s So-Cal skate punk; the Get Up Kids-esque "Next Time Around" skips along with a nice piano line and melody, and closer "Arthur Rightus" speeds through at a brisk pace, reminiscent of early Blink 182 and Face to Face.


By Comma Chameleon - Semicolon Cancer; - 03/04/2008

BLACK MOUNTAIN + Bon Iver @ La Sala Rossa

By K-Man - 02/29/2008

I have to say that when I got my tickets to this show I was all like, this should be a mellow one, considering their style; I didn't expect there to even be a lot of people. Well...there were. In fact, the place was sold right the hell out. I'm so not into a super packed atmosphere, but these guys throw down a really mellow vibe. Pretty subdued crowd -- a new pattern/disease of today’s youth I guess!

MATT COSTA @ Le National

By Jessica Hemmerich - On The Rocks - 02/28/2008

HOT CHIP - Made in the Dark

By Simon Howell - The Listening Ear - 02/04/2008

TAKEN BY TREES @ Cabaret Juste Pour Rire

By Mike Bresciani - The Lonesome Strangers - 02/25/2008

Seems as though the indie music community is filled with confusing side projects, revolving-door musicians, and solo projects that may or may not be worth the price of admission. There’s usually a lot of excitement and intrigue that follows the new directions many of these artists seem to be taking. In this case, we have Victoria Bergsman pursuing her solo ambitions with Taken By Trees after having fronted the excellent Swedish pop group, The Concretes, for the last decade.

VHERNEN - Vhernen

By Jessica Valentine - The Incinerator - 12/29/2007

Hearing the sounds of howling wind and rainfall to introduce a black metal album is in no way unexpected. Being confronted a minute later with the growing sigh of an electric cello, however, is -- that is, unless you’ve already taken a peek at the insert art of Vhernen’s self-titled debut full-length album. I must say, the surprise is a pleasant one.

WYCLEF JEAN @ Metropolis

By Sinbad Richardson - There You Have It Folks! - 02/28/2008
