
Independent, provocative, now! The CJLO Magazine is the resource for features, reviews, and interviews. Established in 2004, and run by dedicated CJLO volunteers, the magazine covers the latest and best in local and international music, art, theatre, film, festivals, and more!

What's Happening?

We Just Wanna Have Some Fun, Down at the Rock and Roll Club

What's Happening?

We Just Wanna Have Some Fun, Down at the Rock and Roll Club

Good Vibrations in the Oven

Omar Sonics / Hooked on Sonics in Conversation with Denis Arsenault / Dirty Work

A heart-felt and informative conversation between Omar Sonics from Hooked on Sonics (Thursday @ 6 PM) and Denis Arsenault from Dirty Work (Thursday @ 4 PM) about the history of CJLO production studio, affectionately called The Oven™.

Transcript: Denis >> Art Direction: Angelica >> Photo: Stephanie >> Setup: Patrick & Marshall >> Good Vibes: Omar


FIFA: Ballet Boys: It’s more than just a story of boys dancing

If you have ever thought ballet dancing is all about young girls and pink frilly tutus, then think again.

This film, directed by Norwegian documentary producer Kenneth Elvebakk, follows the journey of three childhood friends all vying for their collective dream of becoming a successful professional ballet dancer. Originally released in 2014, this film was part of this year’s International Festival of Films on Art.

Enslaved with Yob @ Foufounes Électriques

Presented by Greenland Productions

Winter drags on in Montreal, and yet the spring touring season has begun. Over the next few months, bands from around the world will stream through our city and make the emergence of the grey tidal wave of trash buried under the ice a little more palatable.

FIFA: Mugshot: An anatomy of prison portraiture

There's something eerie about being photographed moments after being arrested - but who knew that someone's misery can also be another person's artistic masterpiece, or even a scoop that's just waiting to be nourished by the hungry pages of the tabloid?

There's more to a mugshot than just an image, and there's more a story than just seeing someone smiling (or posing with umph and enthusiasm, or with utmost distaste and disgrace) for the camera.

Torche + Nothing + Wrong @ Bar Le "RITZ" P.D.B.

I've seen Torche twice before. The first time opening for Boris in 2008 (touring for Meanderthal), and the second time opening for Corrosion of Conformity (touring for Harmonicraft). So when I heard that they were finally headlining a local show, I was beyond excited.

What's Happening?

We Just Wanna Have Some Fun, Down at the Rock and Roll Club

The Lazarus Effect barely worth $5 DVD bin

When Jesus brought Lazarus back to life, everyone called it a miracle. Leave it to the cool, hip, nerdy medical researchers (Mark Duplass and Olivia Wilde) to start playing god and all hell breaks loose, including the fact that they should not be playing god according to the chair board.  Science and religion are the two common motifs used in horror films, so why should The Lazarus Effect not use them to their advantage. This supernatural horror film directed by David Gelb (Jiro Dreams of Sushi) and produced from the team behind The Purge and Paranormal Activities.
