
Independent, provocative, now! The CJLO Magazine is the resource for features, reviews, and interviews. Established in 2004, and run by dedicated CJLO volunteers, the magazine covers the latest and best in local and international music, art, theatre, film, festivals, and more!


By DJ Solespin - Eclectricity - 03/27/2009

BLOC PARTY + Holy Fuck @ Metropolis

By Abby Elizabeth Schachter - The Reaktor - 03/18/2009

TOKYO POLICE CLUB + Ruby Coast @ La Sala Rosa

By Rebecca Munroe - The Drive Home: Charts & Crafts - 03/27/2009

Tokyo Police Club’s concert last night… what can I say? Not much.  Seriously the problem I had with them is one that I am finding I am having with most indie rock bands these days. The word I would use to sum it all up: generic.

THURSDAY - Common Existence

By R. Brian Hastie - Drive Home: Countdown To Armageddon - 02/17/2009

SERENA RYDER @ Cabaret du Musée

By Charbel Nassif - Pop Concordia - 03/15/2009

I was excited to see Serena Ryder live. I knew a handful of her songs but not much else about her.On the off chance that you don’t either, Ryder’s from Ontario, just outside of Peterborough.  She grew up listening to the Beatles and Leonard Cohen. During her show, she told the audience that she was an AM Radio “kind-of-girl.”

STREET DOGS + Hostage Life + Ashers @ Les Foufounes Electriques

By Josh Mocle - The Kids are So-So - 03/07/2009

This is the fifth time I’ve attempted to begin this Street Dogs review with some kinda hyperbolic statement about how the show blew my mind and how Foufs is the perfect venue for a punk show and how the Street Dogs revolutionize street punk in 2009 but really? Who wants to read that? Not every show has to be mind-blowing or revolutionary to be good, and believe you me, this show was GOOD…except for one teency little programming snag.
