
"PostPunk.Goth.Winter.Survival" is a winter survival mix tape curated by CJLO Production Director Patrick McDowall.

A little doom, gloom, and hopelessness to bask in until the sun shines again!

Press play:

PostPunk.Goth.Winter.Survival from mcdrzl on 8tracks Radio.


"TUNDRA 4EVER" is a winter survival mix tape curated by CJLO Campus Outreach & Volunteer coordinator Lucy Marshall-Kiparissis. This mix has 45 moody minutes of "winter wallowing" all-Canadian post-rock and droney goodness.

Near-hypothermia? Sure. Snow blindness? Fine. Wind storms shaping the city into a deserted moonscape? BRING 'EM ON. Winter was great and I hope it lasts forever in a climate-defying vortex of darkness, deal with it.

Press play:

Summer Craves

"Summer Craves" is a winter survival mix tape curated by CJLO volunteer extraordinaire Matteo Ciambella. Donna Summer reveries, dreams, party time poolside beach jams, summer glitters, dance floor sweats, sea waves, milkshakes, and secret '80sss craves with a sprinkle of other things too!

Press play:

summer craves from matteociambella on 8tracks Radio.



"Wntr Srvvl" is a winter survival mix tape curated by Oncle Ian from The Go-Go Radio Magic Show. Psychedelic, lo-fi, and garage rock tracks to get you through the "BRRR".

Press play:

Wntr Srvvl from WorriedDevil on 8tracks Radio.


Serenity Now

"Serenity Now" is a winter survival mix tape curated by CJLO Magazine contributor Nick Woodcock. Inspired by the Seinfeld episode of the same name, this chill mix includes samples of dialogue tossed in as interludes between tracks. Serenity now, insanity later...

Press play!

What's Happening?

We Just Wanna Have Some Fun, Down at the Rock and Roll Club

Prince Palu found himself spinning in all different directions this week with term paper research, pediatrician appointments, and out-of-town family functions, so this edition of "What's Happening?" is lighter in words than normal. It is, however, one of the most important weeks in the Montreal calendar. We have survived what will go down as the coldest February in our recorded history, and in honour of that, here are some ways to celebrate as this month fades into a memory and gives way to March.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Will Graham's Beach Jams

"Will Graham's Beach Jams" is a winter survival mix tape curated by Ethan Vestby from CJLO's Station To Station (Tuesdays, 11:00 AM - Noon).

What partly distinguishes Michael Mann's macho archetypes are their dreams of a tropical paradise just so narrowly beyond their reach. And at this point in the winter, where we trudge through terrain physical (snow and puddles) as well as mental (the crushing monotony of either school or work), we can't help but be like them. Thus the creation of the imagined playlist of Manhunter's Will Graham, rewarded at the film's end with his beach retreat.

CJLO Mix Tape Club: Winter Survival

Did you know that there are people out there who deny climate change, and yet they still believe that the groundhog can bring on six more weeks of winter every year?

Well my friends, on February 2nd a groundhog named Fred in Val d'Espoir, Quebec did indeed see his shadow, and since that means we still have about three weeks left of winter (according to folklore, that people actually still believe), CJLO DJs, friends, and dedicated volunteers are sharing some mix tapes to get through the harsh weather and will the Spring to come early. If a Marmota monax can do it, so can we!

The 2015 Academy Awards: A Thinkpiece for your Thinkpiece, but Not Really.

In a world torn by conflict, inequality and uncertainty, we once again reach that time of year where one perennial certainty remains: the endless parade of pageantry and self-congratulation which captures the heart of us all. The ~Academy Awards~

What's Happening?

We Just Wanna Have Some Fun, Down at the Rock and Roll Club

As all of his Chinese brothers and sisters get set to celebrate their New Year holiday, Prince Palu is beginning to wonder if, as many experts claim, China is set to become the next global world empire at sometime during the next 85 years, give or take, will the Chinese New Year one day simply become known as New Year. Given that the holiday in the People's Republic of China is a seven day long affair, Palu could get behind the idea of a week off at the end of January or beginning of February. It would be a welcome addition to his hibernation schedule. Until that day he wishes you all a Happy Chinese New Year and offers these thoughts about the weekend.
