Woodnote in advanced stages, Masks mandatory on public transit, Oka Crisis 30 years later

Reporter: Shanellie Marie

Stories: Luca Caruso Moro 



Woodnote in advanced stages

The CSU says the Woodnote housing project is almost finished. 

Several units are expected to become available by the end of the summer, leased at 10-20 per cent below market value. 

Applications are still open to live in the building, located across from Parc Lafontaine. 


Masks mandatory on public transit

In Montreal news, masks are mandatory on all public transit as of Monday. 

According to estimates reported by CTV News, only one in two people are wearing masks on their commute.

How the new rule will be enforced is still to be decided, after the bus drivers’ union said their members shouldn’t be expected to police people. 


Oka Crisis 30 years later

Parades of vehicles slowed traffic around the Mohawk communities Kahnawake and Kanesatake Saturday morning. 

The demonstration was to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Oka crisis.

On January 11, 1990, people from Kanesatake defended their traditional territory from an expansion of an Oka golf course, which would’ve uprooted a burial ground. 

The SQ, RCMP, and Canadian military advanced through barricades set up by Mohawk Land Defenders.

The project was cancelled in the end, with the federal government purchasing the contested land. 

However, it was never established as a part of the Kanesatake reserve territory, and remains contested to this day.