SUPERVILLAIN - Earthquake Machine

By Zombieboy - The Almighty Riff - 05/01/2005

New York hard rockers Supervillain’s full-length debut Earthquake Machine (they released an EP several years ago) is a truly enjoyable riff-driven, hard-edged disc that’ll be sure to keep listeners rocking out for some time. Heavy, infectious riffs are plentiful on Earthquake Machine, with the stomping opener “Show ‘Em All”, groovy “Nevermore”, closer “Hit the Road” and almost eerie centerpiece “Drowning” being some of the album’s finer moments -- with “Drowning” easily being a candidate for song of the year. Most of the album hits hard with a simple but undeniably effective combination of crunchy riffs, surprisingly slick guitar soloing and an aggressive vocal presence, even if there is a bit too much “scream talking” on some tracks for my liking. Earthquake Machine also clocks in at around 40 minutes, ensuring little filler, although songs “Alter Ego” and “Vicious Cycle” seem to get lost in the mix. Still, these few gripes are minimal considering the overall impact of the album, which is one of the strongest I’ve listened to this year, independent release or not. Earthquake Machine is highly recommended to those with any interest in heavy riff rock. I can’t wait to see what these guys can do if they ever get label backing.

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