Psychic City- Wednesday @ 11am- Paranormal Debate and Summer Rock Preview

Wednesday's episode of Psychic City on CJLO - 1690AM is a two part special!! The first half I have guests Amrew Weekes and Catlin Spencer, and we will be discussing the paranormal (stay tuned for topics).

The second half of the show will feature touring band The Scowls' bassist Valerie Trainor, Wild Wolf Productions founder Preston Ward (HEAVY MTL Nights), and Americano musician Mike Terry (The Jukebox Romantics) and solo artist Kyle Trocolla (They've been compared to punk rockers The Gaslight Anthem.) We will be talking about everything from Rockfest, to the dos and don'ts of touring and their upcoming show in Montreal on the 17th at Piranha Bar. Tune in and if you can't, we will have the podcast up and ready for ya!