It's only fair to issue a tsunami warning for the amount of information about to be covered: August flooded fans with a massive amount of updates for Pokémon Sun and Moon. So much so, that it was almost too much to handle. Rather than try and run the last month chronologically, we'll run through it feature by feature, starting with the newly-revealed Pokémon.
Among the reveals for the new generation, players were introduced to a new twist on some old favourites. In the region of Alola, certain first gen Pokémon develop new forms.
Now, that may seem like a lot to dish out and try to absorb in four weeks, especially considering that there are still two and a half months left until the games release, but there was more. So much more.
Hyper training was very briefly thrown in during one of the video updates. On the official website, it's explained as being able to increase a Pokémon's "individual strengths" after they've reached level 100. Players can do so by bringing Bottle Caps that they find to Mr. Hyper who is located "somewhere in the Alola region." There have been arguments on various YouTube channels since mid to end July as to whether or not Hyper Training is beneficial at all, and I personally doubt I'll ever get around to experimenting with it. I'm one of those players that usually drops the game once I've beaten all the gyms and caught as many Pokémon as I can, and by that time, my team is around level 85 or so.
The new villain team was announced and I couldn't be more excited to introduce Team Skull. Team Skull are Alola's no-do-gooders, stealing Pokémon and causing all kinds of headaches. They're lead by Guzma, who apparently failed at becoming an island captain and turned to a life of crime. He's followed by the team Admin, Plumeria, and their Grunts. If you have the chance, I highly recommend looking up the Team Skull battle theme. Some YouTubers have been able to isolate the theme music from the battle sound effects and it is pretty amazing.
In my last article I wrote about how it looked like players would be able to ride their Pokémon on land and through water. I was almost right. Players will be able to call on specialized Pokémon to get through certain areas much like Pokémon Ranger.
I also questioned the true purpose of the bracelet and the symbols that appeared correlating to a Pokémons typing. Turns out it's a new feature called Z-Moves. Much like Mega Evolution, a Z-Move can be used once per battle and the Pokémon the player is using must be holding a Z-Crystal that is the same type as the one on the players bracelet and know a move that is the same type as the crystals. According to Pokémon, Tomy International will be releasing a real Z-Ring bracelet for players to wear. When players use their Z-Crystals in the game, their actual bracelet will light-up, vibrate and play sounds. Now if it could help me track Pokémon in Pokémon GO, I'd be sold.
Now, Pokémon Sun and Moon seem to be moving away from the traditional path of Gym battles leading up to the Elite four challenge to become the Champion. Instead, it will have players take The Island Challenge. The Island Challenge is a rite of passage, where trail-goers must travel to each of the four islands and complete unique quests ranging from item hunting to tests of knowledge. It is only at the end of each island trial that the player will have a battle with a Totem Pokémon, who are more powerful than other Pokémon of their species- the top-percentage, you could say- and are able to call on allies to aid them in battle. There is then a Grand Trial on each island where players will battle against the islands Kahuna. Once a player has defeated a Kahuna, their trial on that island is complete, and they are free to move on to the next. The trial captains all represent the basic typing elements: Lana is a Water Pokémon expert, Mallow is a Grass-type expert, Sophocles specializes in Electric types and Kiawe uses Fire type Pokémon. At the moment, only one Kahuna has been announced: Hala of Melemele Island. He also happens to be your rivals grandfather. I imagine it a lot like being such good friends with Gary that you decide to fight Professor Oak instead. And then it turns out that Oak is a powerhouse because he's been using all the really good Pokémon from your PC.
What a mooch.
With that, September is here and no doubt more updates and reveals are soon to come. What else could Sun and Moon possibly throw at us?