by Alexa Everett
by Pauline Nesbitt
Four teens will face multiple charges connected with Tuesday’s bomb threats against schools in Quebec and Ontario that were sent by email.
According to CTV News, the same four people from western Quebec were charged on Thursday for threats made to schools in the Gatineau and Ottawa area last week.
Quebec police spokesperson, Captain Guy Lapointe, confirmed that the investigation continues and additional arrests could be made.
by Patricia Petit Liang
The hacker group Anonymous has released the personal information of around 1000 alleged Ku Klux Klan members on the internet.
According to the BBC, this action was prompted by the KKK’s threats to use deadly force against groups protesting the murder of a black teenager in Missouri.
No hacking was actually involved when releasing the details, however, as all the information that Anonymous released came from the profiles of people who had joined or liked KKK-related groups on Google+ and Facebook.