Hosted by Luca Caruso-Moro
Stories by Luca Caruso-Moro
Produced by Luca Caruso-Moro
Quebec has expanded the territory of Kahnawake by 500 acres.
APTN reports the agreement was found after a long court battle involving multiple municipalities suing Quebec over what they argued to be stolen land.
In exchange, Kahnawake will allow the construction of highway 30 through the disputed land.
Teepees erected by protestors in front of the Saskatchewan legislature will come down.
APTN reports protestors will be evicted from the camp by court order,
Much of the camp, which was erected in February, has already been dismantled.
Protestors gathered to draw attention and action regarding the disproportionate number of Indigenous children in institutionalized care.
Eritrea and Djibouti signed a peace agreement last week after a decade of conflict between the nations.
Al Jazeera reports the conflict, regarding the placement of the border, has lead to dozens of deaths.
Somalia and Ethiopia, also major players in the dispute, have signed the peace agreement as well.