Hosted by Luca Caruso-Moro
Stories by Luca Caruso-Moro
Kativik Ilisarniliriniq, the school board for Quebec’s inuit territory of Nunavik, has called an emergency meeting to address a spike in youth suicides this month.
CBC News reports there have been 13 deaths in the region, one victim was still in elementary school.
People close to the issue are calling to increase mental health support services.
The Liberals are moving to end solitary confinement in federal prisons
Inmate segregation would still happen, however inmates would be provided with mental health services and an increased amount of time outside their segregated cells.
There is no cap on the amount of time inmates might remain in segregation.
Cyclone Titli has ripped through Eastern India.
Landslides and heavy rain continue to affect the region.
Local reports said 12 people have died.