Hosted by Michael Foldvari
Stories by Michael Foldvari & Patricia Petit Liang
Produced by Patricia Petit Liang & Michael Foldvari
By Patricia Petit Liang
Quebec’s Ministry of Immigration announced that it will temporarily suspend its program due to a massive backlog of unprocessed applications.
According to CBC News, the application process for bringing private refugees to Quebec can last up to 5 years for sponsored refugees.
The deadline for immigration applications in Quebec has been set for January 26th.
By Michael Foldvari
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett met with the Congress of Indigenous Peoples on Tuesday.
According to CBC News, this meeting is part of the Liberal government's initiative to foster an improved relationship with aboriginal people.
Set to be held annually, topics of focus include education, the foster care system, missing and murdered indigenous women, and incarceration rates.
By Patricia Petit Liang
White supremacist Dylann Roof was sentenced to death for the racially motivated murders of nine black people at a church in Charleston, South Carolina.
According to BBC News, Roof was found guilty of 33 federal offences and of hate crimes.
This tragedy caused officials to remove the Confederate flag from the South Carolina statehouse after having it raised for nearly 50 years.