News for November 2nd 2015

by Patricia Petit Liang


A number of Montreal students collected more than 20 000 non-perishable food items as part of a food drive called Feed the Truck.

According to the Montreal Gazette, 10 Jewish schools led by Federation CJA gathered food for the federations funded organizations dealing with food security.

The drive took place around the middle of last month.

Last year, around 17 200 people benefited from the food banks, food delivery and kosher cafeterias established by Federation CJA.

by Sam Obrand

On Sunday, the Liquor Control board of Ontario announced that it would be deleting the personal information collected from wine, beer, and spirit club members.

Members of the LCBO’s wine club were concerned that the LCBO was collecting information that would monitor their purchases and consumption habits.

According to CBC News, The ruling on the controversy comes following a three-year lawsuit fought by the LCBO, which cost approximately $269,800.

The LCBO says they wanted to make sure they could track products for recall purposes and reselling of the product.

The LCBO has filed for a judicial review, however, the court has dismissed the application.

ny Saturn de Los Angeles

The UN is urging all countries to take a more proactive stance to fight the potential effects of climate change.

According to BBC News, the statement comes after the UN assessed each nation's strategy plan to reduce carbon emissions; a plan that hopes maintain a global two degree celcius margin before seeing potentially disastrous effects.

UN climate chief Christinana Figueres remains optimistic however, after over 100 nations have filed concrete targets this year, compared to 27 during the Copenhagen summit in 2009.

The submissions will be discussed collectively among all nations at the UN's climate conference in Paris at the end of the month.