News for November 27th, 2015

Hosted by: Ellen Smallwood
Stories by: Pauline Nesbitt, Alexa Everett, Patricia Petit Laing
Prodiced by Emeline Vidal


by Pauline Nesbitt

The City of Montreal announced a new city wide snow removal policy that guarantees that the same service will be delivered in all boroughs, on Thursday.

According to CBC News, Montreal will order the start of snow clearing operations after ten centimetres of accumulation and gives the boroughs 36 hours to clear all main arteries.

Anie Samson, the city’s executive committee member responsible for snow removal operations, said boroughs that do not comply with this ruling will face budget cuts.

In addition, improvements in its Info-Neige and Vélo 4 Saisons applications were announced.

by Alexa Everett

Municipal governments are scrambling for money to accommodate the housing needs of incoming refugees. 

According to CTV, between 800 and 2,000 Syrians are waiting to be settled in Ottawa but expensive market rates are forcing administrators to ask for financial help from other levels of government. 
Ontario officials say, there is constant contact within the government to assure the transition will happen smoothly.
While most citizens support the initiative, others voiced their discontent with the low priority local impoverished families currently receive. 
by Patricia Petit Liang

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been offered sensitivity training after mocking a disabled reporter.

According to the Globe and Mail, Trump mocked a congenital condition affecting reporter Serge Kovaleski’s mobility.

The presidential candidate also claimed that Kovaleski had once reported that thousands of Muslims were celebrating the 9-11 attacks in New Jersey.

However, Kovaleski had originally written in 2001 that there were “a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks.”

Trump stated that he did not remember his previous statements regarding the attacks.