Mayor Denis Coderre announced Tuesday that the city will increase fines to landlords who fail to provide tenants proper living conditions.
According to CTV News, the move aims to crack down on landlords who refuse to pay the penalties and get away with it through legal negotiations.
Housing activist Maude Begin-Gaudette says the city should instead use other options to make landlords improve the buildings they own- such as issuing warnings or ordering tenants to leave the building.
The city issued a total of 1.5 million dollars in fines but has only received less than half in payment within the past 12 years.
Manitoba's new First Nations advocate Cora Morgan says Manitoba doesn't treat children in foster care or their families as human.
According to Global News, foster children are being lodged in hotels and stuck in jail without a proper support system.
Morgan also says the province is taking kids in too hastily and that it is too difficult for parents to regain custody of their child.
Manitoba has more than 10 000 children in care, a large portion of whom are aboriginal.
According to CBC News, investigators believe that David Sweat and Richard Matt received help from other prisoners.
The two inmates had left behind a sticky note in their prison cell with the words “Have a nice day”.
A $100 000 reward will be given to anyone who can provide information leading to their capture.