News for July 29th, 2015


A man from Montreal was struck by lightning Monday around 6 p.m. and is now in critical condition.

CTV news reports he was standing under a tree at the time of the incident.

According to a witness who saw it from the balcony of his Rosemount apartment, as the man collapsed from the strike a woman ran out and began giving him chest compressions.

Paramedics arrived shortly after, and they say that the woman played a vital role in saving the victims life.


First Nations bands must submit their 2014-15 financial data to the Canadian government by Wednesday.

According to CBC News, a new law has made it so that First Nations bands must submit their audited financial statements for the past fiscal year- or risk losing federal funding for non-essential services in September.

Although 98 percent of bands complied with the First Nations Transparency Act last year, the federal government brought eight bands to court to force them to submit their financial reports.

Despite giving an extra 120 days to First Nations bands to post their financial data last year, Aboriginal Affairs Minister Bernard Valcourt claims that they will not have extra time this year.


An American hunter is accused of killing a famous lion.

In a report by the Toronto Star, Walter Palmer is allegedly being held responsible for shooting Cecil the Lion outside a national park in Zimbabwe.

A local conservationist group is stating that two local guides helped Palmer in hunting the lion, where he was lured out of the park with bait, shot down, skinned and beheaded.

Palmer is claiming he had no idea who he killed as he relied on the guides for assistance during his bow hunting trip.

The Minnesotan dentist is now under public scrutiny with hate comments pouring in on his clinic's Facebook page and local authorities may convict him with animal poaching.

He is due to share his testimony with the guides at a local court next week.