News for July 1st 2015

by Catlin Spencer


A massive Montreal water gun fight that was scheduled for Saturday at Lafontaine Park has been cancelled due to lack of a permit.

According to CBC News, the event started as a planned gathering amongst friends, that quickly turned into a giant event on Facebook with more than 38 000 participants.

Unfortunately, event organizer Matthew Orsini was too late in obtaining a permit for the event to take place, and says the city was dismissive and unhelpful in trying to resolve the situation. 

For now, the event has been postponed until next year.

Police will also be at the park on Saturday, in case any of the participants show up regardless. 


by Patricia Petit Liang



A law created to forbid non-Mohawks from living in Kahnawake is being challenged by 5 people with the help of the Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations.

According to CTV News, complaints were filed with the Human Rights Commission because of the "Marry-Out, Move-Out" law, which has caused “mixed couples” and people born to mixed couple parents to be ordered off of the territory.

The law was created back in 1981, but has only been enforced in varying degrees over time. 

Although the federal and provincial Indian Affairs ministers have criticized the discriminatory law, Kahanawake Grand Chief Joe Norton claims that preventing non-native spouses from living in Kahanawake will help preserve the community’s culture.


by Saturn De Los Angeles


Greece is inching close to bankruptcy after it failed to meet the deadline to pay its debt on Tuesday.

In a report by the BBC, the country still has to figure out how to pay the 1.5 Billion Euros it owes to the International Monetary Fund.

Both Greek and European Union officials will be discussing a potential new bailout plan on Wednesday.

On the streets, civil unrest is mounting as protesters rally in front of the Greek Parliament where a referendum is slated for this weekend.

Citizens have to decide whether they rather have their services reduced in order to help pay the debt, or have them left alone and be forced to leave the Eurozone instead.