News for January 15th, 2016

Hosted by: Pauline Nesbitt

Stories by Patrcia Petit Liang, Catlin Spencer, Emeline Vidal

Produced by: Emeline Vidal


by: Patricia Petit Liang

Parti Quebecois leader Pierre Karl Péladeau stood up for anglophone rights in a news conference on Thursday.

According to the Montreal Gazette, the PQ leader criticized the Couillard government for refusing the anglophone and francophone school boards' input on the recently proposed school board reforms in Bill 86.

Pierre Karl Péladeau stated in English that the Liberal government was taking the anglophone community for granted and that they must respect the anglophone community’s rights.

The PQ and the EMSB will continue to protest the school board reforms until all of the parties affected by it have a chance to express their opinions of it.


by: Catlin Spencer

A Quebec man has been charged with bringing 82 kilograms of pills into the United States on a sled.

According to the Montreal Gazette, Cédrik Bourgault-Morin was apprehended by Border Patrol agents Wednesday morning.

He was wearing camouflage and carried 300 vacuum sealed bags of prescription Xanax in a sled when he triggered a motion sensor.

Prosecutors say that the pills have an estimated street value of 1.6 million dollars US.


by: Emeline Vidal

Three winning tickets have been issued for the US Powerball jackpot, on Thursday.

The lottery had not been won since November 4th, which allowed the total to reach an unprecedented $1,4 billion US.
According to the BBC, the money will be subjected to a 39.6% federal income tax, as well as other taxes depending on the winner's home state.
More people could come forward in the next few days.