Hosted by Patricia Petit Liang
Stories by Patricia Petit Liang
Produced by Patricia Petit Liang
By Patricia Petit Liang
A 15 year old girl was arrested for attacking her classmate with a knife in Beaconsfield on Wednesday.
According to CTV News, the two Beaconsfield High School students attacked each other at a local strip mall during their lunch period.
The teenage girl who had been attacked suffered from minor injuries.
By Patricia Petit Liang
British Columbia’s Court of Appeal ordered a new trial for a former fire chief who was convicted of sexually assaulting three volunteer firefighters in 2015.
According to CBC News, the B.C. Court of Appeal has now overturned his conviction because the judge ruling over his first trial failed to remain impartial while questioning witnesses.
The former fire chief’s new trial date has yet to be determined.
By Patricia Petit Liang
The Indonesian police force rescued more than 34 slow lorises from being sold as pets on Facebook.
According to BBC News, the rising demand for pet slow lorises has made them critically-endangered species
More than half of all slow lorises will die while being delivered to their new owners.