Hosted by Luca Caruso-Moro
Stories by Luca Caruso-Moro
Produced by Luca Caruso-Moro
7 out of 10 BlocQuébecois MPs quit on wednesday.
The Montreal Gazette reports that the exodus was prompted by the Mp’s dissatisfaction with the party leadership style of Martine Ouellet.
Ouellet has said she will not step down.
Hundreds of people took to the streets of Saskatoon on Tuesday.
According to the CBC. the gathering was in solidarity with Colten Boushie, after the not-guilty verdict of Gerald Stanley.
Stanley was charged with the second-degree murder of Boushie in August.
Rohingya Muslim refugees are fleeing a strip of “no mans land" on the Myanmar Bangladesh border.
Reuters reports the refugees have been occupying the land since late august, after fleeing what has been described as an ethnic cleansing in Myanmar.
The two countries have met to discuss the resettlement of over five thousand people, and the repatriation of the occupied land.